Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Tuesday, January 31, 2012 (6:12 a.m.)

“Whoa!” God,

First word out of my mouth this morning. Directly related to the beauty taking place outside my window.

What I find most interesting is that this time it had nothing to do with vibrancy of colors. This morning it was the intense silhouette of the clouds and the mountains that caused my gasp.

Thank You Father! Thank You for yet another surprise.

(7:18 a.m.)

Colors came to the sky. Even the husband came out to enjoy them. But still, there was something special, along the lines of intriguing about the contrast between lights and darks.

Jesus, I don’t know what You have for me to learn or to offer others this day. I confess physical pain to You. Asking that You would lead me to the relief You would have me find.

During the long night of wakefulness between bits of sleep, I thought of the hymn I heard long ago. In looking it up just now, I turned immediately to the Bible verse it references. Jeremiah 8:22. As well as the one immediately before. And from there, to the beginning and then to the end of this particular book.

Jesus, how I thank You for the history of this prophet. A man who was faithful to You. One who was also bitter, angry, discouraged, depressed and lonely. Because of his experience we are reminded that You accept our emotions as well. We are free to bring You all of our failures and strong feelings.

We are reminded that we are to be honest with You. You desire to heal our broken, hurting parts. Father I ask You to keep bringing me to You for healing. I’m at a loss. One person thinks this. Another says that. My hope is in You.

Jeremiah’s words in 8:21-22 remind me of my own thoughts. "I weep for the hurt of my people; I stand amazed, silent, dumb with grief. Is there no medicine in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why doesn’t God do something? Why doesn’t He help?"

Which brings me right back to the hymn. There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole; There is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin sick soul. Sometimes I feel discouraged, And think my work’s in vain, But then the Holy Spirit Revives my soul again. If you cannot preach like Peter, If you cannot pray like Paul, You can tell the love of Jesus, And say, “He died for all.”

Every time I reach for the pain freeing cream, remind me Dearest Lord and Savior that YOU are the balm that soothes and heals!

Thank You. Thank You! And just as an endnote. Thank You for the “Whoa!” of the evening sky yesterday, which kept me driving on surface streets for ten miles so as not to miss a single aspect of its beauty. Again a sky much more silhouetted than colorful. Ah, but beautiful in its own right.

Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Comforting Holy Spirit. I love You. Thank You. Amen.

(517 words ~ 7:56 a.m.)

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