Saturday, February 5, 2011


Saturday, February 5, 2011 (7:37 a.m.)

Most Holy God,

I love You. You are good. You are faithful. And I love You. Thank You for the opportunity to get to know and trust You more and more. I depend on You Lord. I used to depend mostly on myself, others, the court of public opinion... When that changed so did everything else in my life.

Take right now for instance. I came out here to speak to You about being satisfied. I thought about it all night long. I had questions to ask and suppositions to make. Thank You that You know so much more than I. Thank You Lord that You know exactly where You want my focus. On You. Depending on You!

Lord, forty-six weeks ago You and I sat right here in this very house as You spoke to me about the importance of ‘letting my roots grow down into You and drawing up nourishment from You’ (Colossians 2:7). You went on to tell me “See that you go on growing in the Lord, and become strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let you lives overflow with joy and thanksgiving for all He has done.”

May I just say “WOW!” and “Thank You God”? That very Saturday (46 weeks ago) You allowed the majority of my mom’s family to enjoy THE most delightful day with her in quite some time. And the very next day You took her away to be with You. Thank You Lord. Thank You for having grounded me so sturdily in Your Word that morning that when the time came to truly rely on and trust You, we were ready.

The preceding verse (6) that Saturday morning last March was, “And now just as you trusted Christ to save you, trust Him, too, for each day’s problems; live in vital union with Him.” I like to think I have done just that Lord. You are growing us. In ways we could have never imagined. And we are grateful. Wonderfully, truly grateful.

The verse You gave to me this morning (Colossians 1:29) did not mention the word ‘satisfied’ yet I realize how convinced I am in its truth. In his letter to the people of Colosse Paul told them of his talking about Christ wherever he went. “I work very hard at this, as I depend on Christ’s mighty power that works within me”.

It is on Your ‘mighty power that works within me’ that I depend each day Dearest Lord. Thank You for the strength and the courage it invokes. Use me this day as You wish, continuing to grow and nourish me as only You can. I love You so very much Dearest Lord. Thank You. Amen.

(458 words ~ 8:34 a.m.)

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