Friday, December 31, 2010

leaving behind

Friday, December 31, 2010 (3:24 p.m.)

Lake Arrowhead Chalets #120

Lake Arrowhead, CA

Beloved Lord,

Attempting to avoid You today is doing me no good at all. I keep thinking that if I just keep putting You off the year won’t be gone. How bizarre is that kind of thinking?

So. Instead. Let me come right here before You and confess that I have no idea what to do with a brand new year. You are so good. So perfect. So honest and faithful and true. And I don’t even know what to do with that.

In years past I have entered into the new year with plans and expectations of things being different, better in some way, than the year we were leaving behind. Leaving behind. Yes, Lord. Talk to me about the things I will be leaving behind this year.

I have this list of fears that are so very subtly burrowing their ways into my subconscious. I don’t want to think about them. But I’m also not letting them go. Let me leave them behind Dearest Lord. Yes, let me leave them behind with You to take care of exactly as You know is best.

There are the giant great big, “What if…?”s that are practically screaming at me. And in confessing that, I am instantly aware of satan’s crafty way of tripping up Eve when he introduced her to doubt (Genesis 3:1-6).

Thank You Lord for leading me to the Book of Ezekiel right now. With all the things that were going wrong with and for the people of Jerusalem You still called them to hope in You. As I read of Your promises to Your beloved people I am again reminded that while I indeed do NOT know what tomorrow holds, I absolutely know Who holds it! Thank You Lord for holding not only all of our tomorrows, but our hearts and hands, our very lives themselves.

In Ezekiel 39:28 You are quoted as saying, “Then my people will know that I am the Lord their God, because I sent them into captivity among the nations, but then I brought them back to their own land, leaving no one behind.” Thank You Lord. You want desperately for us to learn. To listen. To obey. To worship and adore You. Teach us in this upcoming new year to become the people You want so very much for us to be.

I love You. I do not want to attempt to put You off or hold You at bay. I want to come rejoicing, with thanksgiving in my heart for all the blessings You have provided. Let me take those into the new year while leaving behind the fears and failings.

I love You Lord. VERY Happy New Year to You! Thank You. Amen.

(460 words ~ 4:35 p.m.)

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