Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Best Choice

Sunday, November 8, 2015 (6:41 a.m.)
Most Dear and Awesome Father God,

Thank You! Thank You for pain. Thank You for problems. Thank You for the profound hope that we find only in You. Yes, Father. Thank You. Thank You that You are so much bigger than all of our circumstances.

Holy God, I confess the negative energy I have spent considering all the things over which I have no control. I've hashed and rehashed decisions and choices I've made recently. The negative light I've painted of myself does NOT represent You well at all.

Thank You that You call us repeatedly back to Your Word. Thank You that as I was speeding along just now to one certain psalm, another stopped me. Psalm 16. The Best Choice.

Again, I am confessing the self imposed gloom I have created for myself lately. Replaying mistakes and fear of things yet to even transpire. My thinking has been horribly skewed. What ifs. Should haves. All lead me deeper into a darkening hole.

Ah, but YOU are so much more faithful than fear! “Forsaking ALL, I trust Him”. It took me a moment to remember this particular acrostic yesterday. Thank You for reminding me.

Thank You for leading, guiding, directing and encouraging us to put all of our faith, hope and love in You. In this particular instance, I AM putting all of my eggs in Your One holy, trustworthy basket. Thank You for such hope. The true joy and optimism I have been refusing to consider possible.

All brought together for me in this special psalm by David. “Protect me, LORD God! I run to You for safety” (Psalm 16:1). Following down to my own penciled blocking of verse 8, I collect verses 5-7 as well.

You, LORD, are all I want! You are my choice, and You keep me safe. You make my life pleasant. And my future is bright. I praise you, LORD, for being my guide. Even in the darkest night, Your teachings fill my mind.”

And they did. Last night. I considered all the ways You have been working in, with, by, for and through us and I was truly AGOG! Amazed. Grateful. By our glimpses of You.

Continue Your plan Blessed Father. Get me fully onboard with You. No lingering thoughts left at the station. Do all You must that “I will always look to You, as You stand beside me and protect me from fear” (v. 8).

You are so good. So holy. The choice I long to make is the one that is Your best for me! “You have shown me the path to life, and You make me glad by being near to me. Sitting at Your right side [the place of power and honor], I will always be joyful” (v. 11).

Make it so Blessed God! Do all You must that I will indeed make the best choice! I love You. I thank You. And I humbly pray this in Your Son's most holy name. Amen.
(499 words ~ 7:51 a.m.)

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