Monday, November 23, 2015

"Thank You"

Monday, November 23, 2015 (6:51 a.m.)
Most Dear and Holy God,

Thank You. There are so very many things for which to say, “Thank You”. And this is such an appropriate week to do exactly that.

I confess to fighting the commercial aspects of all we've allowed most holidays to become. Please work in me to change my tune. As comfortable as cynicism seems to have become for me, I do not believe it fits me well.

I long to lean more toward words like: certainty, confidence, conviction, trust, belief, satisfaction, hope. Yes. Please. In these days leading up to our nation's Thanksgiving Day, let me truly practice thankfulness.

Mm, yes Father. What better way than by introducing me to Psalm 75, via the hymn We Thank You, Lord My thinking has absolutely affected by thanking. Thank You for being in control.

Very simply, the words of this short worship song thanks You for Your love. Care. Faithfulness. Your Son. Your Word. And eternal life. These each are so much greater than any of our circumstances. These are absolutes. Unchanging Truth. Thank You Father.

Thank You that the notation to the choir director preceding Psalm 75:1 is for this psalm of Asaph to be sung to the tune “Do Not Destroy”. What an awesome reminder of the many ways in which our hope can be demolished.

We are not Your first people to encounter distress. “God says, 'At the time I have planned, I will bring justice against the wicked. When the earth quakes and its people live in turmoil, I am the One who keeps its foundations firm'” (Psalm 75:2-3).

You are our hope. As I go out into this day, let me go out continually singing We thank You for Your love, We thank You for Your care, We thank You for Your faithfulness, We thank You, Lord. We thank You for Your Son, We thank You for Your Word, We thank You for eternal life, We thank You, Lord

Yes Father, equip me in singing Your praises and heartfelt thanksgiving this day. I love You. I thank You. And how I respectfully ask You. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(363 words ~ 7:57 a.m.)

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