Sunday, March 23, 2014

En route

Sunday, March 16, 2014 (11:14 a.m.)
En route to Cozumel, MX
Most Holy Father God,

We our on our way. En route. And the biggest journey we are taking is the one that leads us to You. Talk with me this morning about being on my way to You.

There's a peace that settles over me when I come and just sit before You. My thoughts expand past what I can control and try to make sense out of. Ideas dart from here to there. The only way to rein them in and settle them down is to take a deep, cleansing breath and close my eyes.

Then, of course, I run the risk of falling asleep. But maybe there's something for You to teach me in the dozing.

What I know at this very moment is that there is a contentment in my being. I am being rocked way more than gently. My stomach and my head are both trying to adjust themselves to the motion. The soft breeze You keep sending my way settles my thinking. A bit of a mist refreshes my spirit.

There are practically gale-force winds taking place on the upper decks. People tossed around. Coffee blown out of cups. And here we sit, swaying with the jostles of the white-capped sea. Quietly alone. Sheltered from the piercing sun. How I ask You to buck me up against the queasiness.

(12:29 p.m.)
Blessed God,

A brief nap. A change of clothes. An order put in for room service. And a message from the captain detailing and cautioning against the strong winds assures me that the unsettledness I'm experiencing is not of my own making.

Still, I close my eyes, breath in deeply, savor the soft currents of air You send our way and smile. Contented. Relaxed. Hopeful. Refreshed. Renewed.

And now You have me laughing out loud. Thank You Daddy God. Thank You for having such a playful Spirit with me. Thank You that I can turn to Isaiah 35:8 to read of “a main road... named The Holy Highway” and be told that “God will walk there with you; even the most stupid cannot miss it.” Thank You!

I read the short chapter. I rejoice in the hope it provides. As we continue on our journey en route to Your grace and holiness I delight in reading of Your provision. The Life Recovery Bible comment for verses 8-10 tells us, “God also provides us with a passage through the desert of our pain and suffering into His presence. And the road is without danger because God is traveling with us. We are not alone as we fight against our addictions and compulsions – God is with us, giving us strength to resist the temptations.”
Going out on a limb here while being more than just a bit facetious, I bet it's also a road without a smidgen of motion sickness! Thank You God.

Thank You for Your goodness. Your grace. And Your Holy Highway. Empower and embolden me every step I take en route to Your glory. I love You. I thank You. And I long to serve You well. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(539 words ~ 1:01 p.m.)

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