Saturday, December 7, 2013

two words

Friday, December 6, 2013 (5:49 a.m.)
Awesome Holy God,

“Look inside!” Two words at two something this morning. Two words that kept me from going back to sleep until I got up and looked inside.

There they were! The forty watt bulb and tiny decorations I had searched for all of yesterday had been wrapped (by me) earlier this year and carefully tucked up inside our treasured ceramic Christmas tree for safe keeping.

Father, these are not the first things I've misplaced. Not misplaced really. Forgotten! It was actually a very good place for them. Being reminded where to look was wonderfully helpful. Thank You.

Thank You for the opportunity to look through cupboards and drawers and totes and rafters. The search yielded valuable finds I remembered having been purchased only after seeing them. There's much to be remembered. Much to be done.

Chaos seems our current theme throughout the house. In looking up that one word, I find two that give me hope and joy and peace. Not the two I thought we'd be exploring together (“Look inside!”). Better words. MUCH better words. Two words worth remembering above all else. “I am”!

Isaiah 45:18 speaks of chaos. It tells that You “created the heavens and earth and put everything in place, and [He] made the world to be lived in, not to be an empty chaos.” Then it continues, “I am Jehovah, He says, and there is no other!”

Reading those two words reminded me of just some of the many things You are. As I prepare to go into this day I ask that You would continue reminding me that You are in control! You created all to be lived in, not to be an empty chaos. Let me use what You have created and provided for Your good and Your glory, NOT to make even bigger messes!

I love You Father. Thank You for loving me first! Amen.

(320 words ~ 6:51 a.m.)

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