Monday, November 4, 2013


Monday, November 4, 2013 (6:21 a.m.)
Anaheim kitchen table
Dearest Holy Father,

I took an opportunity to pray and trust and hope yesterday. We were running late to church. I wanted to leave by 9:00. It was already 9:15. A phone call needed to be made. I asked no questions. I took the time to play the piano instead of pace the floors and point at the clock.

Thank You for that decision. Thank You that the Scripture passage (Romans 1:16-32) was so 'meaty' first service ran over. We were sitting comfortably long before the first prayer. Thank You Father.

You seemed to have it all worked out. Constant reminders for me to take deep breaths slowed my thinking. I did not jump over to mind wandering. Instead I chose to believe we'd be wherever we needed to be in Your time.

I chose that response many times throughout the day. The indecisions of going here or there, doing this or that were each met with a deep breath and an honest answer. All in all, a very enjoyable day. Thank You.

In thanking You here, may I go back to that church service we had. Two of the worship songs had tears streaming down my face as though my heart was truly broken. Given the amount of tears I had shared with You earlier yesterday morning that wasn't too much of stretch. Thank You Father for the freedom with which to express our emotion.

Thank You too for the reminders I received yesterday to “Believe”.

First at church. A devotional by Max Lucado, where he described the love of a father for his dying daughter (Mark 5:22-43). “There were no games. No haggling. No masquerades. The situation is starkly simple: Jairus is blind to the future and Jesus knows the future. So Jairus asks for His help, and Jesus, who loves the honest heart, goes to give it...[He] turns immediately to Jairus and pleads” 'Don't be afraid; just believe' (v.36).

“Jesus compels Jairus to see the unseen. When Jesus says, 'Just believe...,' He is imploring, 'Don't be controlled by the logical. Believe there is more to life than meets the eye!'

“'Trust Me' Jesus is pleading. 'Don't be afraid; just trust.'”

Fear is too often my first response to circumstances beyond my control. Thank You for reminders to “Believe”. Looking into various Bible versions this morning, I see anywhere from 280 to 408 listings for “Believe” in Your Word. More than enough reminders for every single day of the years.

A simple white sign with a beautifully written word above our little table in an impromptu dinner place last evening also reminded me. “Believe”.

Father, thank You. While I may never know what's coming next, I can ALWAYS believe You to have our very best interests at heart. How I ask You to put that belief into action this day. Let me speak up for You in my words and my deeds. I love You Father. Thank You. Amen.

(502 words ~ 9:54 a.m.)

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