Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Tuesday, December 15, 2009 (2:56 a.m.)

A very early good morning Dear Lord,

Thank You. Thank You for a good amount of sleep. Thank You for warmth of body and soul. Thank You for shelter and order. Thank You for our learning to work together around here.

Oh Dearest Lord. After all these (36) years, You are helping Terry and I learn what it is to truly join forces, encouraging and supporting one another in our joint efforts. Wow Lord! Talk about teamwork. YOU are a great Captain!

Thank You too Lord for the amount of patience and grace that is currently abounding on every side. It comes directly and only through You. Thank You Lord.

Thank You that this morning I was immediately drawn to Peter’s second letter to believers everywhere. Thank You Father that I get to be included in that description! Thank You for his wisdom, his example, his love for You.

Lord, I begin to read

(6:30 a.m.)

and then I fall straight back to sleep!

Lord, thank You for even more rest AND opportunity to consider You, Your Word and the difference You have made in our lives.

Thank You Lord for coming to earth. Thank You for coming into our hearts. Thank You for changing our focus onto You.

Oh Most Dear and Amazing God, thank You for continuing to draw our attention to You, where it so rightfully belongs!

2 Peter 1:2,3 infuses me with hope this morning. Reading it in so many different translations, I get excited (agog!) with each one. But it is the Contemporary English Version that has me ready to jump up and start the day. (Thank You Lord that I did not ignore Your prompting to find this particular rendering!) “I pray that God will be kind to you and will let you live in perfect peace! May you keep learning more and more about God and our Lord Jesus. We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. It was all given to us by God’s own power, when we learned that He had invited us to share in His wonderful goodness.”

Lord, how I ask that You would continue Your work in my heart, that I would truly be eager (agog!) to keep learning more and more about You.

I love You so very much and I truly desire to know You better. Thank You for all You are and all You do in and through and for each of us. Thank You Lord. I love You. Amen.

(419 words ~ 7:15 a.m.)

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