Thursday, July 25, 2024

ready, willing, able

 Thursday, July 25, 2024 (5:07 a.m.)

Blessed, Holy God,

Thank You for words Dear Lord. And the power behind them. Teach me to use them wisely and well. Thank You Father for always being ready, willing and able to help us when we call out to You.

My timing was off the other day. Words didn’t come easily, wisely or well. Thank You Lord that in You we have opportunity to do better. Different. Over and over.

I’m asking, seeking, knocking (Matthew 7:7) Your presence here with me today. Use me exactly as You know is best. Provide my every need. Clarity in decision making. Kindness in my interactions.

(6:25 a.m.)

♪So I’ll Let My Words Be Few Jesus, I am so in love with You♪ Thank You Father for the ways You lead us and guide us. Pointing us in Your direction.

“Be brief and authentic. Genuine.” I just read those words in relation to Ecclesiastes 5:2. Taking it to The Message, my heart and face are smiling.

God’s in Charge, Not You Watch your step when you enter God’s house. Enter to learn. That’s far better than mindlessly offering a sacrifice, Doing more harm than good. Don’t shoot off your mouth, or speak before you think. Don’t be too quick to tell God what you think He wants to hear. God’s in charge, not you - the less you speak, the better. Overwork makes for restless sleep. Overtalk shows you up as a fool” (vs. 1-3).

Here I ask You again to keep me learning. Making me ready, willing and able to follow You throughout the day. I look to You for the balance I require. I love, need, trust and want You, Lord.  Thank You. Praise You. Amen.

(296 words ~ 7:33 a.m.)

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