Saturday, July 20, 2024

ask and accept

 Saturday, July 20, 2024 (3:14 a.m.)

Blessed God,

Second sleep hasn’t happened yet. I’m looking to You. Asking (Matthew 7:7) for more.

Lord God, You know the thoughts of my mind and my heart. Far better than I. Work in, with, by, through and for me that I will come to accept Your leading, guidance and direction. Your will be done.

Yes Father. ♪Thy Will be done♪ I would like more sleep please. Thank You for who and all You are.

(4:51 a.m.)

Please? Just a little more sleep?

(5:32 a.m.)

Didn’t happen. So we’ll go with gratitude instead. Thank You Father for all the ways You provide for us.

You love us. So much that You gave Your one and only Son to save us. And as a result? “Everyone who believes in the Son will not die. Instead, they will live for ever” with YOU (John 3:16 EasyEnglish Bible).

How cool is that? And the wording of the very next verse in the same reading? Equally inspiring.

You didn’t send Your Son into the world because You wanted to punish people. No. You sent Your Son “to save the world from punishment” (17).

We have so much for which to be grateful. Thank You for reminding me. Again.

Be in, with, by, through and for me this day [which You have made]. Do all You must that I will TRULY “rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24).

Father, I love You. I need You. I trust You. I want You. Thank You for loving each of us as only You are able. Use me. Thank You. Praise You. Amen.

(278 words ~ 6:04 a.m.)


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