Saturday, September 12, 2015

so many things

Saturday, September 12, 2015 (6:26 a.m.)
Awesome, Blessed God,

Thank You. Thank You for the many things You have blessed us with. Thank You for challenges. And opportunities. Thank You for so many things.

As I sit here surrounded by so many things that need attention, I ask Your guidance and help in sorting through the very idea of getting back to taking care of business. I have failed. Slacked off. Not followed through on most things.

I look to You to provide every ounce of effort that is going to be required in getting our household back on track. While I never stopped caring completely, I did quit long and often enough to get us where we are today. In desperate need of Your sense of order.

Holy Father, thank You that we are never alone. Thank You that we do not have to approach giant undertakings in our own strength and power. Thank You that You gave us Jesus and His Holy Spirit to right all the wrongs we create for ourselves.

Thank You that in realizing again just what a giant mess I have made of things I was led to read once more of the ideal wife of Old Testament times (Proverbs 31:10-31). Thank You that this is not a list of so many things I am supposed to be able to do.

Thank You that You provide us strength. Power. Hope. Thank You for the comments and teachings I get to read about this particular section of Scripture. Illustrated Bible Handbook states, “The many challenges facing her [the wife] gave her opportunities to use to the fullest every capacity and potential that God has given to all human beings.”

Oh, most Blessed God, please! Please keep teaching, instilling, inspiring me to put Your excellent qualities to good use.

The last sentence of this Woman's Role, OT THEOLOGY IN BRIEF tells us, “For each [men, as well as women], personal fulfillment came as personal potential was stretched and developed by meaningful work and by participating in family life.” Ah, yes Blessed God. Make it so for this household.

Reading the comment in The Life Recovery Bible inspires me to ask (Matthew 7:7) this of You. “A wife should not fall into the perfectionist's trap of striving to measure up to these ideal standards. This will inevitably lead to frustration and despair.” Yes. Agreed!

Instead, a woman should accept herself for who she is and commit to allowing God to transform her more and more into His likeness. As she grows to be more like Him, she will naturally exhibit many of the characteristics of this ideal wife.” Oh, yes, Father. Please.

Please continue Your work in me. Remove all that is not pleasing to You. Replacing it with the so many things that You want us to have and to share with others. We love You Father. Profoundly. Deeply. Wholly. And we long to love others as ourselves (Mark 12:31).

Make it so Blessed God. Make it all so incredibly so. Thank You. We love You. Amen.
(505 words ~ 7:39 a.m.)

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