Friday, September 11, 2015

always and never

Friday, September 11, 2015 (7:28 a.m.)
Holy God,

Thank You. Thank You that You are always holy. Thank You that You never change.
(3:10 p.m.)

Thank You that the only time I can accurately use the words always and never is in reference to You. Thank You that throughout a day of miscommunication and misunderstanding, Your Word stood strong.

Realizing and confessing to another that I wholeheartedly wanted to not be mad about a particular set of sensitive circumstances helped us reach resolution much quicker than in our past experiences. Blessed Father, this is all due to You and Your Word that never changes. Thank You.

Thank You that I have such ready access to a multitude of translations and paraphrases of Your Word. Thank You that You remind me constantly that I am to seek and search for You always. Thank You that in that search just now I came across 1 Chronicles 16:11.

The Expanded Bible tells us, “Depend on [Search for] the LORD and His strength; always go to Him for help [seek His presence/face continually].”

In turning to The Life Recovery Bible, the comment for this section reads, “In times of victory or defeat, recovery or relapse, God remains the same. Our response to Him in all circumstances should include thanksgiving and praise. There is never an inappropriate time to seek God; indeed verse 11 enjoins us to 'keep on searching' for His strength. This imperative must be observed by us in recovery.”

Thank You for always providing for our every need. When we needed clarity in our communication skills around here, You came through. Loud and clear. Your love never fails. It never gives up. It never runs out us. And because of You, Your love and Your Word we are again on the same page.

Thank You Father. Bless You. Praise You. Use us to Your good and to Your glory. With many thanks, praises and so much love we are Yours always. Thank You. Amen.
(332 words ~ 4:10 p.m.)

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