Tuesday, September 8, 2015

God knows what He is doing

Monday, September 8, 2015 (4:34 a.m.)
Blessed, Holy God,

Thank You. That was some seriously sound sleep I just had. Thank You for the decision to ask for help. And forgiveness before going to bed.

Wow! What a difference from laying awake wondering, ruminating and wanting things to be different than they are.

Thank You Father. Thank You that You love us. Thank You that You have a plan for each of us. Thank You that You know exactly what all You are doing.
(5:29 a.m.)
Like right now for example.

A miscommunication led me to think we had another hour together. What was said wasn't heard. Or maybe what was thought wasn't said. I'm not sure of the particulars. What I do know is I am feeling intensely irritable.

I want to throw around blame. Kick and scream like the toddlers do. Ah, and there's the calm. A smile. Some peace. Thank You Father. Thank You that I can bring mistakes, disappointments and an all around bad attitude before You and still You bless me.

Thank You Father. Thank You for Your goodness and Your grace. Let me use it well this day. Thank You that You really, truly do know what You are doing. I love You. Thank You. Amen.
(212 words ~ 5:39 a.m.)

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