Sunday, August 1, 2010

gifts and giving

Sunday, August 1, 2010 (6:41 a.m.)

Loving Lord,

How I thank You for the gifts You continue giving. I want to give back. While I know that we can never out give You, I want desperately to get to the point where I at least try. Lord, I confess that I still cling tightly. How I ask You to continue Your work in me that I can wholeheartedly obey Your command to Your disciples (found here in Matthew 10:8) “Freely you have received, freely give.”

Oh most dear and loving Lord, how I long to become a cheerful giver (2Corinthians 9:7). I search Your Word and find evidences of gifts and giving throughout. In 1 Chronicles 29 King David knows that he will not be allowed to build Your temple himself, but freely he gives what is needed for another (his own son, Solomon) to complete it. I’m not that selfless yet Lord.

And therein lies the truth. Yet! You are doing such good and mighty works in us. Plucking out the habits and tendencies we’ve acquired through the years that don’t serve You well. Thank You that You are good and faithful to complete the good work You began in each of us (Philippians 1:6).

As I have sat here with You this morning, one thought leads to another and searching it out fills me with hope – and joy. Thank You Lord! Every commentary note I have read so far reinforces the importance of leaning on and trusting in You to complete what You, Yourself have begun.

Thank You that it is You who will help keep me growing in You. Thank You that the best gift I have yet to receive in my life is that of Your Holy Spirit (Acts 10:45). Keep working in me to appropriately share such a treasure.

Thank You Lord that I get to keep coming to You asking for all that I need to continue growing into the woman that You would have me become. Your power IS at work in me. I’ve seen it. I recognize it as being from You. Thank You so much for Your gifts to me Dearest Lord. Keep working in me to more readily and freely give of these gifts.

I love You so much Dear Lord. Thank You. Amen.

(385 words ~ 8:35 a.m.)

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