Sunday, August 29, 2010

Psalm 119

Sunday, August 29, 2010 (7:32 a.m.)

Blessed Lord,

Talk to me this morning about ebbs and flows, highs and lows, working, resting, caring, not caring and most importantly caring (or not caring) enough.

Yes Lord. Get me out of Your way, out of my head and into Your Word. Deeply, profoundly, searchingly into Your Word. Oh most dear and blessed Lord, I keep thinking Your Word. On occasion, I ‘try’ Your Word. I’m getting to the point in my life Lord where I actually want to know and live Your Word.

Lord, there is so much for me to learn. I confess to wasting so very much of the resources You provide. Worry, fear, indecision continue to rob me of the joy that is to be found in living my life for and in and through You. Help me Lord. I know that deep within I long to care enough for the things that You would have me care about. How do I make that happen? In and through Your Word. Will You guide me Lord? Of course You will. The big question here is, will I follow You? I know I want to! I even try to. And then something comes along that throws me completely off balance. I lose my bearings. My focus changes from You to whatever and again I end up feeling lost and disoriented.

Thank You Lord, that You are always here. You never change. Your Word stands true. You are constant. My ever-faithful source of hope. Thank You Lord. Thank You that I get to come before You no matter what my thoughts or feelings. I get to pour out my heart to You and be refreshed, replenished with Your love, Your Truth, Your will, Your way.

Keep me coming to You Lord. Not just to listen and learn. But to obey. I am filled with past experiences of things that did not turn out the way I expected. Disappointments and discouragements cause me to doubt my own ability. The cool thing about that is the more I prove my own inability, the more dependent on You I become.

Thank You Lord for continuously calling me to You. Thank You for ever filling me with Your hope and Your joy. I can’t count on myself to pull me through, but every single time I turn to You and Your Word You are faithful to provide my every need.

Thank You Lord that You are all the things which I am not and You are so incredibly willing to share. I love You Lord. Thank You. Amen.

(431 words ~ 8:38 a.m.)

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