Saturday, September 14, 2019

power, tower

Saturday, September 14, 2019 (6:26 a.m.)
Holy God,

Thank You! You love us. And because of that we get to love You. Thank You.

I get to come to You with words like dour and sour. And You give me power and tower in exchange. Thank You Father.

Yes Lord. Thank You for the way You change my thinking.

Mistakes continue being made. Oh but look at all You can do. Even when we are at our worse.

Lord God, I confess to You my attempts to handle emotions in my own strength and power. Never a good idea.

So here I am. Depending on the strength of Your mighty power (Ephesians 6:10). Looking to You. Our High Tower (Psalm 46:7).

Oh most Holy God, how often I forget to turn to You in the midst of chaos. Thank You that Your power is available to us. Always. For the asking.

I am in need of Your power Lord. My natural state leans toward dour. And sour. Thank You that You call us to Your power. I am asking that infuse, instill, breathe that power straight into my core.

Thank You Father. Praise You! Turning to You, looking to You as my very own Tower of strength I come out singing. ♪A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, a bulwark [Protector, wall] never failing…♪

How often do I forget the Truth we have in You? Our power. Our Tower!

Father, thank You. I have a day that is scheduled to be busy from start to finish. I need the strength of Your mighty power. I cannot depend on my own.

Please. I come to You. Seeking Your guidance. Your grace. Your mercy. And Your power. Live in and through me Lord.

I love You. I want You. I need You. I trust You. And I thank You. Yes Lord. Thank You for being my power. And my Tower. I love You. Thank You. Amen.
(327 words ~ 8:03 a.m.)

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