Saturday, August 29, 2015

tap into

Thursday, August 27, 2015 (7:00 a.m.)
Wonderfully Awesome God,

How do You do it? You never fail. You never give up. You never run out on us. I was reminded of this in song the other day. By a three year old.

Blessed Father, I am again turning to You. Honestly crying out the word, “Help!” I'm losing the battle. I want to hope. I long to help. I try. I fail. I give up. I turn tail and run.

Speak to me. Calm me. Build me. Make me who You want me to be. You know the qualities that You provided. You know what is being used well. And what is being wasted.

I hate to waste. We've discussed this many times before. You give us resources. How often do I hastily discard them? Change me Father. You have the power. I don't know how to tap into it.

It's not like It's some big mystically hidden secret. Your Word speaks of Your power throughout. Then why is it that practically everywhere I turn I see powerlessness? Joylessness. Lovelessness.

I'm readily confessing to You Blessed Dad, I don't like the looks of things. There's some thought trying to wriggle it's way in. You know? If You don't like what Your seeing, change Your view.

Easy to think. Harder to do. Father, You know what all is going on with me. All I am attempting to avoid. Where I could step up and where I don't.

I used to try. Want. Work. Now I sit. Wonder. Wish. Pray. All without positive results.
(11:05 a.m.)
Here I give it all back to You.

I honestly have a list of grievances I don't want to share out loud. So many of my loved ones are hurting. Physically. Emotionally. Spiritually. Financially. You are good. You never change. You never give up. You never run out on us.

Thank You Father. You have lifted a veil that has clouded my heart. My soul. My mind. Proclaiming Your Word to be Truth, I full on trust YOU to do all You promise You will do.

I have tears of joy truly waiting to fall from my eyes. Again I read Your words to Your prophet Isaiah (55:10-13). Once more I am excited and eager to tell (agog)!

“The rain and snow come down from the heavens and stay on the ground to water the earth [especially important in this our time of drought!]. They cause the grain to grow, producing seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry. It is the same with My Word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it. You will live in joy and peace. The mountains and hills will burst into song, and the trees of the field will clap their hands! Where once there were thorns, cypress trees will grow. Where briers grew, myrtles will sprout up. This miracle will bring great honor to the LORD's name; it will be an everlasting sign of His power and love.”

Yes Father. Thank You for tapping me into Your power. You, Yourself give us ready access to Your mighty resource. We need to read it. Believe it. Learn it. Speak it. Aloud. So You can produce the fruit You want in each of us.

I believe You Father. I desperately need You. And so do those around me. Bless us. Keep us. Make Your face shine upon us and be gracious to us. Look with favor upon us and give us Your peace (Numbers 6:24-26).

Your Word is where I will continue learning about tapping into Your power. Thank You Father. Praise You. Bless You. I worship and adore You. Thank You. I love You. Use me well this day. To Your good and to Your glory. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(652 words ~ 11:39 a.m.)

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