Sunday, August 16, 2015

blessing God

Wednesday, August 12, 2015 (6:22 a.m.)
Blessed Holy God,

Praise You. Thank You. Bless You.

What does it mean to bless You? One source says it is to kneel before You.

Hmm... I like the idea of kneeling before You. Taking a deep breath and lowering myself in awe and reference. Thank You Father.

Thank You for the privilege of coming into Your presence. Thank You that we have Your Word encouraging us to do that very thing.

As I consider the emotional roller coaster of not knowing that our family has been on these past few weeks I still come right back to thanking and praising You for Your unwavering support. With none of us knowing what was coming next, words and songs of trusting You were expressed often. Thank You Father. Praise You. Bless You.

And this brings me to Paul's letter to the believers in Ephesus. He wanted to strengthen them in their relationship with You and one another. Good goal!

Thank You that here he reminded not only them but us as well of Your sovereignty. Your supreme power and authority. The Life Recovery Bible's comment for Ephesians 1:3-6 says, “Recovery cannot begin until we admit that our life is unmanageable and the we are powerless over our circumstances.”

We've been experiencing that powerless. Thank You that the singing of praise songs were the weapons most readily used as reminders of Your absolute control.

Blessed Father, thank You for the charges with which we sent off the gift [our son] You gave us those many years ago. In our effort to encourage an adult offspring to do well we uttered the blessing of Numbers 6:24-26 as well as the Chief Purpose of Mankind. Again releasing him to make decisions that would ultimately honor and glorify You.

You are our God. All the ups and downs, twists and turns of these past weeks have left many of us feeling nauseous. We each work differently. We are often poles apart in our approach to things. How I ask You in to the blessing and keeping of each of us (Numbers 6:24-26).

You alone are worthy to praised. Honored. Worshipped. Adored. Blessed. Teach us to do exactly that. As You wish. As I encouraged our much loved son on his departure into yet another adventure yesterday, I long to “Go glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”

Our words. Your ears.

Thank You for the love with which You watch over our every thought, word, action, undertaking. Keep us each close to Your best. We love You Father. We thank You. Thank You for blessing us with Your mercy. Your grace. Your loving-kindness which never ends. Use us to Your ultimate good and glory. Thank You. We love You. Amen.
(459 words ~ 8:05 a.m.)

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