Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Wednesday, November 28, 2012 (7:59 a.m.)
Blessed, Beloved Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
We've been conversing since 3:49 this morning. I wasn't exactly sure with Whom I was praying and then it came. The initials J.M. Jesus Messiah, Name above all names, Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel...
Ah, Lord. One God in three Persons, thank You. Thank You that throughout a very long morning I was not alone. You were there with me. Guiding me in prayer for our loved ones.
Thank You that now that I am fully awake I've found two Bible books (Numbers and Lamentations) with 3:49 as chapter and verse. Neither of them says anything clearly to me.
Psalm 34:9 however is speaking volumes. “If you belong to the Lord, reverence Him; for everyone who does this has everything he needs.” WOW! Thank You Father. Thank You Son. Thank You Holy Spirit.
Going over to verse one and then into the Illustrated Bible Handbook I see that You granted David protection when he was acting unwisely. He wrote this psalm to teach the benefits of having a strong relationship with You. Dearest God, thank You for all the love and forethought You have put into every single aspect of our lives.
“I will praise the Lord no matter what happens. I will constantly speak of His glories and grace” (Psalm 34:1). I confess to You right now, that is one tall order! One that I cannot come anywhere near filling on my own. It is ONLY with Your loving guidance and fellowship that I can even attempt such a feat.
Verse eight says, “Oh, put God to the test and see how kind He is! See for yourself the way His mercies shower down on all who trust in Him.” Verse 11, “Sons and daughters, come and listen and let me teach you the importance of trusting and fearing the Lord.”
This psalm is overflowing with hope. “Yes, the Lord hears the good man when he calls to Him for help and saves him out of all his troubles. The Lord is close to those whose hearts are breaking; He rescues those who are humbly sorry for their sins” (vs.17-18). Thank You Father.
It also speaks hard Truth, mixed in with Your promises. “The good man does not escape all troubles – he has them too. But the Lord helps him in each and every one” (v.19). “Calamity will surely overtake the wicked; heavy penalties are meted out to those who hate the good. But as for those who serve the Lord, He will redeem them; everyone who takes refuge in Him will be freely pardoned” (21-22).
Thank You God. Thank You for reminding me (especially at 3:49 a.m.) 'not to worry about anything, but instead to pray about everything, telling You my needs and remembering to thank You for Your answers' (Philippians 4:6).
You are such a good, nurturing and calming Father, Brother and Comforter. Thank You. Use me this day to Your good and Your glory. I love You so much. Thank You. Amen.
(510 words ~ 9:55 a.m.)

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