Saturday, November 3, 2012

desert beauty

Friday, November 2, 2012 (7:24 a.m.)
Harrah's Laughlin, NV
Master Designer God,
You are the Architect of Perfection. Everywhere I look, there is such beauty. So much detail. The colors in the sky and in the water change with the rising and setting of the sun. The crags and plateaus of the horizon stand firm while fish jump and ducks scurry across the receding river. Each desert trip we take allows me a greater appreciation for the intricacies involved in surviving such harsh conditions.
All these thoughts bring me right back again to Caleb and Joshua urging Your people to trust You and Your provision for them (Numbers 13-14 and Joshua 14-15). Father God, how I confess to being so much more like the doubters and nay-sayers than these two men of faith.
Thank You for their faith in You. Thank You for their examples of living for Your approval, not that of others. How I ask You to provide the courage needed to follow Your lead through all the changes You would have us make in living our lives for Your good and Your glory.
Father, we love You and long to be Your good and faithful stewards. Keep working in us. Building and growing us into Your obedient children. Thank You for this time to again appreciate Your master designs in the desert's beauty. Help us be the people You so perfectly created us to be. We love You Father. And we thank You. Use us. Amen.
(250 words ~ 8:56 a.m.)

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