Friday, December 2, 2011

Psalm 121 / Ephesians 4:15 / Job 21:2

Tuesday, November 29, 2011 (7:46 a.m.)

Blessed Jesus,

Thank You! Thank You for safe travels and warmth to come home to. Thank You for only one tiny bit of a ‘hiccup’ that didn’t last anytime at all. Thank You Jesus that You are teaching us how to communicate with one another and how to get things done. None of our comings and goings (Psalm 121) would be successful without You front and center in the mix. Thank You Lord Jesus.

Yes Jesus, You are THE constant in our lives. No matter where we are. No matter where we go. YOU are our Center. Our Standard. “…our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). Never did I think I would come to You so readily. My thoughts were always scrambled with how to figure things out. I thought I needed to know how to work harder. Yes, even how to manipulate circumstances to my liking.

Then I came to trust and depend on You. I confess Dearest Jesus, I’m still in the learning phase of this process. My automatic reflexes continue their feeble attempts to guide and direct me. But it’s truly when I look to You that I find peace.

Psalm 121 God the Help of Those Who Seek Him. Jesus, how I thank You for teaching me to seek You. I no longer “lift my eyes to the hills – from whence comes my help” (v.1) because “my help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth” (2).

You are He who does ‘not allow my foot to be moved; who keeps me and will not slumber’ (3). What comfort I find in Your Word Dear Jesus. You are our ‘keeper; our shade at our right hand’ (5). “The sun shall not

Wednesday, November 30, 2011 (7:36 a.m.)

Anaheim, CA

There I was. Thanking You. Praising You. Quoting Your Word. And the next thing I knew, the words coming out of my mouth were anything but God honoring. Turning the ‘f’ word into its very own acronym (forever utilize Christ’s kindness!) may help me the next time. I can only pray it will.

Jesus, I must confess, I WANTED to be loving. Truly I pray that is how it came across. Also I wanted to be honest. “Speak truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15). Yes Jesus. Teach me more and more HOW and WHEN to speak Your Truth in love.

I still struggle with this. Too often I am content to just let others live their own lives. I am not here to judge. I don’t want to get in the way. Who am I to voice an opinion that has not been asked for? But Your Truth Dear Jesus. It’s here. Available for all. How do I share it without coming off as that ‘holier than thou’ person I used to try to be?

I took a side road yesterday Dearest Jesus. Circumstances got uncomfortable for me and I reached back down into my bag of things that used to work for me in the past. Sullenness. Anger. Avoidance. I’m here again today asking Your guidance. Your will. Your way.

Friday, December 2, 2011 (9:10 a.m.)

You are GOOD, God! No sooner had I just now considered the phrase, “Bear with me” and You again led me away from myself. Thank You!

Thank You for reminding me that although I have wanted to come back here to complete what I originally started days ago, I have only been thinking Your Word. In my feelings of hurt and confusion, I was reluctant to turn to and READ It. Thank You for changing my heart Dearest Lord.

In turning to one of Job’s replies to his friends’ reasoning for his suffering (Job 21:3) I was directed to read Dr. Luke’s account of The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31). In the commentary here I read, “God wants us to have the proper attitude toward money and possessions and to use them unselfishly to help others.” And then I remembered, You ARE working in me on this! Thank You Jesus.

Reading more in the Illustrated Bible Handbook, I followed the guiding to the Theology in Brief entitled, “Hell, NT”. Here I see You described as “Jesus, who we know to be the supreme expression of God’s deep love for humankind.” As this section continues telling of fire, darkness, judgment and reconciliation, I am particularly heartened by the Truth that “God offers not only forgiveness of sins but also the transformation of our character to reflect His own holiness, goodness, mercy, and love.”

And miracle of miracles, the very next thing I know I am ready, willing and able to turn once again to Psalm 121 and finish the thoughts with which I began this so many days (and circumstances) before…

“The sun shall not strike you by day, Nor the moon by night” (6). “The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul” (7). “The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in From this time forth, and even forevermore” (8).

Thank You Jesus for Your tender care of each and every one of us. Keep me ever mindful of Your kindnesses. I love You so much. Thank You. Amen.

(879 words ~ 10:41 a.m.)

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