Monday, April 19, 2010

Colossians 2:6-7

Monday, April 19, 2010 (6:33 a.m.)

Beloved God,

Thank You for calling me to You. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for teaching me. Thank You for all You are and all You do.

Today I am again looking at Paul’s letter to his friend Titus. No. Scratch that. Instead I’m reading in the letter he wrote to the believers in Colosse. Colossians 2:6-7 as a matter of fact.

Lord, I have notations to these particular verses in my Life Recovery Bible (The Living Bible version) dating back fifteen years. Thirsting for better understanding this morning, I have out The Bible Handbook, a New King James Version, Contemporary English Version and New International Version. All of them working together causing my head to nod and my heart to beat just a little faster with eagerness and anticipation of all that can come from truly learning to live our lives in Christ.

Lord, thank You! Thank You for the opportunity to love You so much. Thank You for the chance to “dwell in the house of the Lord forever” (Psalm 23:6b). Thank You that all of this is made possible only by Your great, unfathomable love for each and every one of us in the world. Amazing. Lord, You are absolutely, and without parallel, amazing!

As I intended to decipher (succeed in understanding, interpreting or identifying) only these two verses, I was led deeper and deeper into the chapter, into the whole letter, into Your Word. Lord, You have so much for us to know. You spelled out so perfectly how it is that You would have us live and worship You through our living and our loving.

How I ask You Lord to continue spurring us on to greater understanding and obedience in living the life You have called us to. You are so good. So grand. So perfect. So wonderful. So marvelous. Which actually leads me into singing yet another song to You…

S’ wonderful! S’ marvelous! You should care for me! S’ awful nice! S’ paradise! S’ what I love to see! You’ve made my life so glamorous… It’s so true! YOU have done all this for me! Thank You Lord. Thank You for again and again calling me to grow my roots down deeper into You that I would grow as You have designed and ordained. I love You so much. Thank You for all that You are and do. Amen.

(406 words ~ 10:53 a.m.)

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