Friday, November 6, 2009


Friday, November 6, 2009 (6:12 a.m.)

Lover of My Soul,

Mm. Lord. What a thought. You love my soul. And if You love my soul, it only stands to reason that You also love my heart and my mind and my physicality. Mm. Lord. I can’t even comprehend.

I tell You all the time how much I love You, but how do those words of love translate into actions? How does it become consistent? Automatic. Natural. Like breathing?

Mm, Lord. Thank You that I get to ponder thoughts like this with You. Thank You that because You do love my soul (and heart, and mind and strength) I am allowed to wonder what it would be like to love You as You desire to be loved by me.

With all the changes taking place in our attitudes around here recently, I desperately see the need for a section on ‘troubleshooting’ in Your Word. With part of me attempting to make light of some very deep and heavy thoughts, Lord I just look to You truly through the eyes of love.

You are so good. I feel so safe when I am here with You in Your Word. But then duty (real, everyday life) calls and it seems like I’m out there on my own, trying to make heads or tails out of awkward, uncomfortable situations.

Very first thing the other morning, our 17 year old made me aware of a problem with the Wii console. My first thought was the cost, followed by the fear of having to tell the dad of the household. I experienced an overwhelming sense of dread, perhaps even a degree of panic. But then came the idea of checking the instruction book under the troubleshooting heading and all was well in a matter of minutes. Literally! “Unplug power. Wait two minutes. Plug back in.” That simple.

Lord? Is life with You really that easy? When we are told that Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord We will wait upon the Lord We will wait upon the Lord can we really truly trust and believe that it will happen just like that? With no plotting, scheming, or manipulating on our part?

Oh Dear and Sweet Lover of My Soul, You are so much more valuable than everything we have. How often do I ever stop in the course of busy-ness to consider Your cost? Thank You Lord. Thank You for reminding me to do that just now. Proverbs 6:23, “The Law of the Lord is a lamp, and its teachings shine brightly. Correction [another word for ‘troubleshooting’, which I could NOT find in the Bible! J] and self-control will lead you through life.”

Mm, Lord. Yes. Please! Lead me through life. I love You! Thank You. Amen.

(459 words ~ 7:39 a.m.)

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