Sunday, November 8, 2009

Majestic majesty

Sunday, November 8, 2009 (5:56 a.m.)

Beloved, Majestic One,

“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!” (Psalm8:9) The color of the sky just now once again reaffirms Your awesomeness. Lord, thank You for yet another glimpse of Your greatness.

“O Lord, our Lord” what a wonderful way to begin time spent alone with You ~ contemplating Your majesty. A quick youtube look at a Majesty video and I have chills and am speechless.

“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!” I read the adjoining “Self-perception” devotional in my Life Recovery Bible and am again reminded (by the added commentary) that “Whatever the roots of our problems, we are now probably overly sensitive to the attacks of others. We see here (in this particular Psalm) that God has made us to be fantastic beings with great powers and privileges. We should not sell ourselves short. Our self-esteem should be based on what God thinks of us – not what others say about us.”

“O Lord, our Lord”. What a privilege to even be allowed, much less encouraged, to call You “Lord”! According to this particular Bible entry, a “skewed view of us probably warped our ability to see ourself as we truly are in God’s eyes… God wants us to realize how precious we are to Him and to begin to see ourself in the light of His love.”

Oh Most Beloved, Majestic One, I witnessed the majesty of Your sunrise just earlier. Please Lord, please allow others to witness the majestic power of Your Son rising in me!

Majesty, worship His majesty Lord, thank You for a majestic way to begin the day. I love You. Amen.

(288 words ~ 6:57 a.m.)


  1. Dear Laura,

    I stopped when I read in your previous devotion, "I bristled negatively at a comment made in passing last night Lord." First, let me say, "Thank you, Laura! for your courage and honesty!" Sometimes I think my faith and behavior is very much like peeling a hardboiled egg. I'm different from most people. I dislike the yellow yolk of the egg when it's boiled so I tend to discard it. I keep only the white part of the egg. My challenge is peeling away the shell without taking any of the white with it. There is a thin membrane between the shell and the white part of the egg. Many times this membrane makes it tough to peel away the shell nicely. Many times I am left with very little white parts because in the process of peeling away the shell, the membrane makes the white stick so tightly to the shell that they become difficult to separate.

    I thought to myself how in many ways I'm like a hardboiled egg. The parts I want to keep (the white part) are the parts that seem to get caught with my old self (my hard shell) and my old beliefs about myself, God, and others (the thin membrane). The part of me that seems to remain intact no matter what I peel away is probably this so-called holy character that I’ve heard I should become. It has occurred to me that this part may be a bit distasteful to me because I can’t relate to this kind of person. So, I struggle to keep the parts I want to keep, while struggling with my old self and old beliefs, but often only being left with an ideal that I can’t seem to mix with who I am when I look in the mirror. What do I do? is a daily question I ask myself and God. I’m told in some contexts that surrender is the answer. But I’m not sure what I should surrender—the part I like? The parts I hate? The part that is an ideal? I think how making an egg salad sandwich (that matches my taste buds) is a challenge—thus, so is becoming the kind of child of God that I should be. Ooohhh—I cry out. I write this and say, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.” And I’m not so hungry anymore. Blessings, Laura.

  2. God bless your heart, Dear Josephine! God bless your dear, sweet, egg-like heart! "Ickies..."
