Tuesday, May 14, 2019

welcomed by God

Tuesday, May 14, 2019 (7:49 a.m.)
Most Holy God,

Thank You that You are SO good! We get to be honest with You. Coming to You with every single one of our flaws and foibles.

Take right now for instance. I come before You knowing only some of my faults and weaknesses. Fully aware that I don’t measure up to Your standard. Thank You that still You welcome me.

Hmm… just thinking of being welcomed by You fills me with such hope. Thank You Father.

And even here, I am sent all over Your Word. First to Luke 18:9-14. Then, Romans 3:10-12. And back to Psalms. 14:1-3 and 53:1-3.

Father, thank You. It’s a comment in The Life Recovery Bible that has stirred my smile into me sitting up straight in full agreement.

53:1-6 Believing in God is essential in the recovery journey. Ignoring God’s plan for healthy living brings only trouble and suffering. We have become prisoners of our own desires, powerless to escape without God’s help.” I have a huge “AMEN!” to that experience.

Continuing, “Seeing the damage that rebellion has done should cause us to spend time in prayer. Our own powerlessness should serve as a constant reminder of our need for God’s powerful presence in our life.”

And there it is! Our powerlessness and Your powerful presence in our life.

Father God, I love You. I need You. And I thank You for Your standard. For Your presence. For Your welcoming of me and all my weaknesses.

Work in, with, by, through and for me this day Lord. Exactly as You know is best. To Your glory and the good of others.

Yes, Father. Your glory and the good of others. Do all You must. Praise You. Amen.
(301 words ~ 9:36 a.m.)

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