Monday, May 20, 2019


Monday, May 20, 2019 (5:11 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Good morning. How contrived does that seem? I would much prefer natural. Easy. Genuine. I’ll be back…
(5:38 a.m.)
Still resisting. Haven’t given in yet.

And there it is...

Today is my last day of doing something I love. And I’m not ready for it to be over.

Yep. There it is. Honesty. And a smile.

Thank You Father. Thank You that I get to be this honest with You. Yes. You let me ramble and amble around until I remember.

Yes Father. How grateful I am that one word [contrived] led to a certain verse [Proverbs 21:30] which reminded me of what I went to sleep thinking. A colorful poster in the garage with a different verse referenced.

Oh! But look at this. It’s not the verse I thought. I was sure Philippians 4:13 was quoted at the bottom. In reality, it’s chapter 3. Verses 13 and 14.

Holy God, how I thank You for taking hold of my thoughts. They truly are all over the place.

First not completely onboard with being here. Then darting from one thought and verse to another. Father, thank You.

This IS the day that You have made and I WILL rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24). Yes Father! Thank You that with all this ambling around Your Word, Your Truth absolutely rings true in me.

Just the other day I became acutely aware of how many times I was saying, “I can’t stand it.” Thank You for Your perfect reminder that “I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need” (Philippians 4:13).

Yes! I can be tougher than I think. Because of You.

I don’t know what all will transpire this day. But I can rest and trust that You are in charge of it all. Thank You Father.

Thank You for the honor and the privilege of coming before You exactly as I am. Allowing You to change whatever is in me that You know needs to be changed.

I love You Father. I thank You. And I ask You to lead my thoughts, my words, my actions. Start to finish. Live in, with, by, through and for me this day. I love You. Thank You. Amen.
(393 words ~ 6:45 a.m.)

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