Saturday, May 25, 2019

agreement, peace, harmony

Saturday, May 25, 2019 (6:27 a.m.)
Blessed, Holy God,

I love You. I look to You. I ask You. Help me. Please.

Yes Father. I am feeling conflicted.

And right in the middle of me asking and getting ready to explain, You send me “Mr. Floyd”. A feel good story about a much loved retiring letter carrier from Georgia. Father, thank You.

Thank You that I am not alone in my conflict. Others are feeling the need for good news as well. Thank You Father. Thank You that Your Good News is available to us all.

Just as I was poised to list the quarrel going on in my head, You provided me hope. Thank You that as I look for an antonym of conflicted, I find three. Agreement. Peace. Harmony.

Holy, holy God, thank You. Right as I find myself hanging by a thread, Your Word brings me back from the edge.

I confess to You Blessed Lord, I continue playing around with the refusal to commit to change. There are relatively simple choices I could make. Yet I don’t. I am struggling with conflicting thoughts and information.

And right there I find myself excited because, “There is growth in the struggle!” Thank You Father. Thank You for reminding me.

Yes. There are changes I need to make. You know the ones that are absolutely necessary. Lead and guide, empower and enable me in making them.

I love You Father. I do. I long to serve You. Obediently.

Again I say to You, You never cease to amaze me. I confess. You lead. This morning to James 3:18 in the Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. It speaks of conforming to Your will in thought and deed. Listing agreement, peace and harmony.

Reading in The Life Recovery Bible I am drawn to the section titles. True Wisdom Comes from God (vs. 13-18) and Drawing Close to God (Chapter 4:1-10). A comment and devotional entitled Wisdom both remark on verses 3:13-18.

“Godly wisdom allows us to admit our failures and rebuild our life from the ashes of defeat. It frees us from our destructive dependency; …” Yes please Father! I seek Your will in releasing me from the warring thoughts in my mind. Continuing to find that elusive fine line between just enough and way too much.

It is Your will I seek. You know best.

“If our thoughts are still dominated by jealousy and selfishness, we need to ask God to replace our earthly wisdom with His Godly wisdom. We can trust Him to change our mind and our life.” This I humbly ask Dearest God. Replace my puny, inadequate judgment with Your all knowing, all encompassing wisdom.

I love You Father. I thank You. And I ask You. Do all You must in growing me through this latest struggle.

You are good. And worthy. Mighty. Holy. And I am grateful. Thank You Father. Use me as You alone know is best. Amen.
(496 words ~ 8:13 a.m.)

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