Saturday, May 25, 2019


Wednesday, May 22, 2019 (6:12 a.m.)
Holy, Holy God,

Good morning. Hi. I’m smiling as I wonder how best to come before You this morning. Playfully keeps coming to mind. ♪Do You want to build a snowman?♪

As far out there as this approach may seem, I read Psalm 114 in The Message and feel I am oddly in good company. The author here painted a fairly playful word picture.

Father, thank You. Yes. Thank You that I can be playful with You.

The Red “Sea took one look and ran the other way; River Jordan turned around and ran off” (v. 3). I find myself smiling even bigger as these parts of nature are personified.

As I continue reading, the mountains are depicted as rams. Turning playful and skipping. The hills? Frolicking like spring lambs. The rock became a pool of cool water. And flint; fresh spring water.

Have I never read this psalm before?
(2:03 p.m.)

Maybe not. But it sure put me in an “anything is possible” mindset. Thank You Father.

Thank You for letting me take just that little bit of a stretch, asking if You’d like to build a snowman, and freeing me up to new possibilities. Thinking outside the box. Being willing to try new to us foods. Explore different forms of entertainment.

Who knew? You of course! Thanks Dad.

The Life Recovery Bible comment for the above psalm says, “114:1-6 There is no end to the miracles God can perform on behalf of those who seek refuge in Him. To bring courage to His readers, the psalmist listed some of God’s amazing acts of deliverance in Israel’s history.”

It bowls me over Father that every single time I allow myself to approach You with wide-eyed, childlike wonder I am blessed in some completely unexpected way. Just like today. Pleasant surprises were plentiful. Thank You.

As I continue reading the comment mentioned above, again I smile. “As we face difficulties, we can recall events of God’s deliverance - in biblical history or in our own life. This will give us the hope we need to persevere in recovery; it will help us entrust our life into God’s hand without reservation. God is truly awesome, worthy of our respect, obedience, and praise.”

Thank You God that You are truly awesome! ♪Do You want to build a snowman?” Thank You that I get to ask!

I love You Father. And I thank You for the blessings of this day. Use me to Your fullest. Thank You. Amen.
(429 words ~ 3:06 a.m.)

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