Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Monday, May 13, 2019 (6:26 a.m.)
Holy God, 

I am asking You to come and do a work in me. I’m confessing grumpy to You right now. Mm. Yes. What better thing to do with an ill will than to confess it to You?

Yes Father. Thank You that we get to bring all of ourselves to You. And in so doing, let You shine Your light on our dark areas.

Deep exhalation. Sitting up a little taller. Breathing in more deeply and admitting what I’ve known for awhile. I’m pretending again. Going through the motions. Acting as if I’m okay when I’m really not.

Blessed God, thank You that we can always come to You exactly as we are. No pretenses. Yes Father. Thank You that You love us. Faults and all.

I have fallen again into that cycle of not taking care of myself with the foods I eat. Choosing instead to ignore all the warning signs that develop with random, mindless, out of control eating.

Father, I love You. Thank You for the prompt to confess my careless attitude concerning my health.

Holy God, thank You that in following Your lead in confessing, I land at James 5:15-16. International Children’s Bible, “And the prayer that is said with faith will make the sick person well. The Lord will heal him. And if he has sinned, God will forgive him. Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other. Do this so that God can heal you. When a good man prays, great things happen.”

Yes Father! My soul is sick. My heart. My mind. My strength. It happens every single time I take this inattentive approach to my well-being.

The Life Recovery Bible has a comment for this section of Scripture. “5:13-15 Since God has the power to heal us spiritually, emotionally, and physically, prayer is one of the most powerful tools available to us in recovery. When we pray to God, we call upon that power and display our faith that He can help us.”

Oh yes Blessed God! Your Truth just keeps being affirmed in this comment. “Prayer is essential in the process of putting our broken life into God’s caring and capable hands. He is more than able to help us and guide us to blessings and peace. When our life seems out of control and we are in despair, we can begin the healing process by bringing our problems to God. He is listening, and He has the power to rebuild even the most shattered life.”

Yes! Father, YOU have the power! It is that power on which I rely.

Do all You know is necessary in making me willing to commit my choices with Your best for me. I love You Father. I long to serve You with my entirety. ALL of my heart, soul, mind and strength.

Yes Father. Do all You must. I love You. I thank You. I ask You. Amen.
(501 words ~ 7:58 a.m.)

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