Wednesday, May 8, 2019

"God's presence"

Wednesday, May 18, 2019 (6:52 a.m.)
Blessed God,

There are needs of Your presence Lord. Family. Friends. Loved ones. Yes. Father, we are all in such need of Your presence.

Blessed God, thank You that we have Your Word to turn to. Old Testament. New. Psalms. There is no end to the number of people who have come before You in need.

Thank You Lord. Thank You for the variety of verses that speak of Your presence. Thank You too for the Theology in Brief I just read in Illustrated Bible Handbook.

Entitled Faith and Feelings it teaches that “the psalms provide a unique perspective on our emotions.” It goes on to say, “While feelings have subjective reality, they are not our ultimate reality!”

Blessed, holy Father God, we need You so desperately. “Our feelings can and do change. Through relationship with God we can move from fear to trust, from alienation to comfort, from envy and jealousy to joy. Many of the psalms actually trace the process by which feelings are transformed and brought into harmony with reality.”

Oh most holy God, this is what I pray. That You would continue working in, with, by, through and for each of us that our feelings would be “transformed and brought into harmony with reality.”

Father, You are God of all. God of facts. And feelings. You created and love us. ‘We are free to share our feelings with You and express them without hesitation or fear.’ Thank You for this privilege.

“While feelings will surge, at times our feelings may not be appropriate. By consciously relating ourselves and our situation to God, we will change our perspective on the situation. As a result, our feelings as well may change to reflect a release and joy that are found through faith.”

Yes Blessed God! How I truly pray Your presence with each of us. Changing our feelings to reflect the joy we have in You.

Continuing to quote from this teaching on Faith and Feelings, I ask You to provide all that is necessary for us to grow in You. “Human frailty guarantees we will each be subject to the whole range of pleasant and unpleasant emotions…

“… we are never to judge the strength or validity of our faith by our feelings. Instead we are to let God shape our feelings as we relate to Him. We cannot change our own feelings simply by willing them to be different.” Thank You for Your Truth Father!

“… as we focus on who God is, and the meaning of our relationship with Him, God will graciously work in our emotional life as well as in our understanding, and shape us to His image.” Yes please Father! Work in us, shaping us to Your image.

Do all that You must in turning our hearts, souls, minds and strength to loving You (Mark 12:30) as You know is best. We are Your children and in absolute need of Your presence. Let us truly get to know and trust You as our God and Father.

I love You Lord. I need You. I want You. I choose You. I ask You. Do all You must. Thank You. Amen.
(535 words ~ 8:42 a.m.)

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