Friday, May 17, 2019

relinquish control

Thursday, May 16, 2019 (6:40 a.m.)
Most Dear and Holy God,

Thank You! Yes. Thank You so much.

Sleep happened. Fairly easily. And mostly uninterrupted.

There was a phrase that ran through my mind at each stirring. Something for which I was incredibly grateful. And planned to explore with You once I got out here.

It had to do with commitment I think. Something like “renewed commitment.” I’m no longer sure. I’m asking You to guide our time together here this morning.

I’m also thanking You for all the little lessons You have been teaching me lately. Things like the fact that I do not control the weather. Was that the word? Something to do with realizing that I am not in control of most things?

Interesting thoughts. While I can commit to a lot of things, I do not control the outcomes. Hmm… Again I ask You to guide my thinking Lord.

Another phrase that I am keenly aware of using these days is “a blur.” Time seems to be passing so quickly. While my mind still has me thinking of things much earlier in the year, here we are almost halfway through.

Thank You Father that YOU are in charge of all!

“Relinquished control!” THAT was it! In my own blurred awareness of how quickly time is passing, yesterday I was fully clued in to my need to relinquish control of all. To You.

Thank You Father. Thank You that I can ramble away with You. Oh and ramble is what I am still inclined to do.

Thank You Father! Here I am once again excited to be with You. Wanting to learn more. Know more. And then remembering, oh yeah, I’m relinquishing control. Thank You Father.

Praise You! There are so very many things that I am not in charge of. Like the weather for instance!

Oh, but You are. You are in control. In charge. Thank You Lord.

(11:21 a.m.)

And I’m back. Thank You Father. Thank You for time to chat. And listen. Time to share. And plan. Wonder. Laugh. Remember.

You are such a good, good Father. Yes! ♪You’re a good, good Father. It’s Who You are, It’s Who are… And I am loved by You. It’s who I am, it’s who I am…♪ Thank You Lord.

Thank You that so many times thinking leads me to singing. And singing to praising. And praising to thinking. This is a cycle that so often works for me. Praise You Father.

Ephesians 3:14-21

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