Tuesday, May 21, 2019

honor and privilege

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 (6:55 a.m.)
Most Holy God and Father,

How I love You Lord. That You for this honor and privilege.
(8:14 a.m.)

Hmm. Yes Father. As I continue looking to and in Your Word, I am reminded of Your Truth. And promises. Healing. Grace.

Thank You Father. Yes. Thank You.

You provide for us in so many and unexpected ways. I love when I get to acknowledge You as the Manufacturer of the good things we experience.

As I prepare to leave on a new to me adventure I ask You to go before, behind, beside, beneath, above and within me. Completely encompassing me with every single aspect of Your being.

Father, I love You. I thank You again for the honor and privilege of being able to say that to You. Openly and freely.

Often I almost take it for granted. Almost. Never completely. Thank You for always reminding me that You are not One to be taken lightly. We are to fully esteem and revere You. You are Who holds sway [reigns, rules] over us. Thank You.

Reading the apostle Paul’s Instructions about Worship to Timothy (1st letter, 2nd chapter) I smile and settle in. Comments in The Life Recovery Bible encourage me.

2:1-2 Here Paul shows why prayer is essential for establishing a peaceful context for spiritual growth. Through prayer, both public and private, order and peace are promoted and strengthened. Prayer involves thanksgiving for God’s blessings and intercession for others. It is one of the assets we often overlook as we work our program.”

My smile grows larger with each reminder! Internally, as well as externally.

“We can easily become so focused on our own activities that we forget to turn to God for help. Prayer improves our conscious contact with God. Regular prayer also reminds us that we are helpless without God’s continual and powerful help.”

Amen. Amen. Amen!

Thank You Father. Thank You for the ways You get and hold our attention. I love You. I long to serve You. This morning I am asking and seeking Your presence that I would truly practice honoring and serving You. Well.

You deserve my best. Teach me what it means to give it to You. Thank You. I love You. Use me. As only You know is best. Amen.

(387 words ~ 8:43 a.m.)

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