Friday, May 3, 2019

most blessed

Friday, May 3, 2019 (6:40 a.m.)
Most Blessed and Holy God,

Mm. “Most Blessed”. Father, truly You are!

As I sit here, reading and thinking, I realize… So are we! We are most blessed just to know You.

Jeremiah (17:7) said as much. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. “[Most] blessed is the man who believes in, trusts in, and relies on the Lord, and whose hope and confidence the Lord is.” I can’t thank You enough. Ever.

The more I read, the more hopeful and grateful I become. One verse leads to another. One section (vs. 8; 9-10) echoing others (Psalm 1:3; 139:1-4).

Mm. Yes. Most Blessed God!

Father, I ask You to use the “warm fuzzies” I am experiencing as I read Your Truth. Promises. Warnings. And hope.

Illustrated Bible Handbook says this concerning these “Psalms of Trust; 17:5-18. The wickedness of man’s incurable heart can only be healed by trust in God (5-10). This beautiful psalm concludes with an appeal by Jeremiah for vindication (14-18). He has not run from his heartbreaking and lonely task.”

I read. I smile. I trust. I believe. And yes, I hope.

The Life Recovery Bible for “JEREMIAH 17:1-14 We may have learned a long time ago that hoping only brings disappointment. Our hopes were dashed. The promises we believed were broken. We were left feeling like fools for ever hoping in the first place. But perhaps we were devastated because we put our hope in the wrong place.”

Because I truly do know You as Most Blessed, I get to believe Your promises. Father, thank You. Praise You.

Continuing in the above devotional, “Turning our life over to God means placing our hope and confidence in Him instead of people, who will disappoint us. When we place all our hope and trust in other people, it’s like expecting a tree to flourish in a barren desert. People will disappoint us and are unable to satisfy our deepest needs. Trusting God changes everything.”

It does! Trusting You truly changes everything. Thank You Father.

Concluding, “Jesus said, ‘The water I give… becomes a perpetual spring within them, giving them eternal life’ (John 4:14). When our hope is in God and our life is in His care, we are sustained when we otherwise would be devastated.”

Yes. Most blessed and holy God, use us this day as You know is best. Teaching us, empowering and emboldening us in sharing Your Truth and promises with others.

We love You Father. And we long to serve You exactly as You wish. Work in, with, by, through and for us. Thank You. We love You. Amen.

(450 words ~ 8:15 a.m.)

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