Saturday, May 25, 2019

feeling sad

Friday, May 24, 2019 (6:29 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Thank You. Praise You.

“No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Taking this approach over to J.B. Phillips New Testament, I truly pray in one accord with Paul’s instruction. “Live together in peace, and our instruction to this end is to reprimand the unruly, encourage the timid, help the weak and be patient with all men” (13b-14).

Holy Father, we are not doing this. Looking around at the world today, we are not following Your teachings. Help us Father. Do all You know is best that we would truly become the people You would have us be.

“Be sure that no one repays a bad turn by a bad turn; good should be your objective always, among yourselves and in the world at large. Be happy in your faith at all times. Never stop praying. Be thankful, whatever the circumstances may be. If you follow this advice you will be working out the will of God expressed to you in Jesus Christ. Never damp the fire of the Spirit, and never despise what is spoken in the name of the Lord. By all means use your judgement, and hold on to whatever is really good, Steer clear of evil in any form” (15-22).

Oh that we would. Oh that we could. And here I remember to look at Paul’s example in his letter to the believers in Philippi. He shared his secret of living in every situation (Philippians 4:12).

A Serenity Prayer Devotional for Philippians 4:10-14 in The Life Recovery Bible ends with this encouraging paragraph, “The process of recovery is a time of learning to find serenity while also accepting life as it is. Life isn’t always fair. It isn’t predictable or controllable. It can be wonderfully rich in some ways and terribly difficult in others. When we become willing to face the hurt in our life and consider how we have reacted to it, then our discomfort can lead us to break the destructive cycle. Then we can learn to be content with the things we cannot change.”

This I pray to You most blessed God. I love You so much. Too often I allow the troubles of the day to crowd to the front of my thinking. Do all You must Father. In, with, by, through and for us that we would truly come to fully esteem and revere You.

We love You. We need You. We ask You. We thank You. Amen.

(438 words ~ 7:12 a.m.)

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