Tuesday, May 28, 2019

thinking and thanking

Memorial Day Monday, May 27, 2019 (6:28 a.m.)
Good morning God,

I love You. I thank You. I ask You. Lead me in my thinking. And thanking.

Yes, Father. Thinking and thanking.

Here I confess my current inability to keep my thoughts together. I think of You. And those who gave their lives that I might live free.

Holy, holy God. You are good. That’s my focus. Your goodness. Keep me ever mindful of Your goodness Blessed God.

Yes Father. You are good. We are blessed. I ask You to use us this day. Exactly as You know is best. Reminding us to think of the sacrifices made by and on behalf of others. All the while being thankful for the gift of their lives given in the name of freedom.

Father, thank You. Use us. Amen.
(143 words ~ 7:29 a.m.)

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