Wednesday, May 15, 2019

God's provisions

Wednesday, May 15, 2019 (6:15 a.m.)
Most Dear and Blessed God,

Thank You. Yes. Really, truly thank You.

You provide for us. Always.
(7:11 a.m.)

I search Your Word and I am reminded repeatedly of Your provisions. Thank You Father.

The other day I confessed to You my careless approach to healthy living. You immediately opened doors of clearer thinking. Opportunities to step back into Your guiding light. Thank You Lord.

This morning I am seeking Your will. Your way. Not mine.

I’ve already had the chance to sing to You. Read of You. Be reminded of the multitude of ways and things You provide. Father, thank You.

I am eternally grateful for Your provisions of grace. And hope. Truth. Love. Mm, yes. You provide all these and so much more.

Guide me in Your Word this morning that I would have a better understanding of how best to share all You have provided.

And here it is. Proverbs 6. Lessons for Daily Life. Father, thank You. I ask, You provide. Verse 6, “Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and be wise!” (The Living Bible).

Mm yes Father. Put my focus back on You. Looking to You for Your guidance. And Your provisions.

And now I’m reading of human weaknesses in 2 Corinthians 4, where the apostle Paul encouraged the church at Corinth to “Never Lose Heart; 4:13-18 ”. He knew first hand that deep within, “where none can see, God the Spirit is at work” (Illustrated Bible Handbook).

Thank You Father. Thank You Blessed God. Thank You for every single way You provide for each of our needs. 

I ask You Father to use Your provisions in, with, by, through and for me this day. That I will live it to the fullest. For Your glory and the good of others. I love Your Lord. I thank You. Amen.
(321 words ~ 8:30 a.m.)

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