Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Tuesday, May 28, 2019 (5:25 a.m.)
Blessed God,

How I thank you. You bless us so profoundly. And we are grateful.

We have plans. Things we are working at getting done. Changes we are attempting to make. I am seeking Your blessing.

Oh. What a concept. More than just a little backwards here. Make plans and then ask Your blessing? No. Let us come to You first.

Mm, yes. You first! 

♪Seek ye first the kingdom of God And His righteousness And all these things shall be added unto you Allelu, Alleluia♪ (Matthew 7:7). Oh yes, most dear and holy God!

♪Man does not live by bread alone But by every word That proceeds from the mouth of God Allelu, alleluia! Thank You God.

Thank You for singing to me this morning. First, much earlier, while my eyes were still closed. You reminded me ♪… I belong here…♪ Thank You Father.

Thank You that You sing Your Truth to our hearts. Our souls. Our minds. Even our strength (Mark 12:30).

I find myself smiling. Hugely. [Who even knew that was a real word?]

As these two songs continue singing simultaneously within me, I feel content. At peace. Joyful. Filled with hope.

Yes! ♪I see hope coming on the horizon There’s no need for hiding ‘Cause I belong♪

Looking up the word hugely I find exceedingly. And I follow the lead over to Ephesians 3:20, Modern English Version. “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or imagine, according to the power that works in us…”

Here is part of The Life Recovery Bible comment, “3:14-21 For churches or small groups to function effectively as vehicles for recovery, they must be driven by God’s dynamic and unlimited love. Paul prayed that his friends might be deeply anchored and rooted in the soil of God’s love…”

Yes most dear and precious God! Let us be deeply anchored and rooted in the soil of Your love. Growing exactly as You know is best.

We seek Your will Father. As we continue to plan out our day, we ask that You would lead that we would follow. We love You. And long to do Your will.

Once again ♪Seek ye first…♪ is mashing together with ♪I see hope coming on the horizon…♪

Thank You Father. Use us. Amen.
(394 words ~ 6:57 a.m.)

thinking and thanking

Memorial Day Monday, May 27, 2019 (6:28 a.m.)
Good morning God,

I love You. I thank You. I ask You. Lead me in my thinking. And thanking.

Yes, Father. Thinking and thanking.

Here I confess my current inability to keep my thoughts together. I think of You. And those who gave their lives that I might live free.

Holy, holy God. You are good. That’s my focus. Your goodness. Keep me ever mindful of Your goodness Blessed God.

Yes Father. You are good. We are blessed. I ask You to use us this day. Exactly as You know is best. Reminding us to think of the sacrifices made by and on behalf of others. All the while being thankful for the gift of their lives given in the name of freedom.

Father, thank You. Use us. Amen.
(143 words ~ 7:29 a.m.)

love, care, perfection

Sunday, May 26, 2019 (6:35 a.m.)
Holy God,

Thank You Lord. Thank You for Your love. Thank You for Your care. Thank You for Your perfection.
(7:25 a.m.)
Yes. Father, thank You!

Thank You that I can come before You. Simply. Honestly. And have You guide me deeply into Your Word. First to Ezekiel 16:8-14. Then to reading more of this book.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

agreement, peace, harmony

Saturday, May 25, 2019 (6:27 a.m.)
Blessed, Holy God,

I love You. I look to You. I ask You. Help me. Please.

Yes Father. I am feeling conflicted.

And right in the middle of me asking and getting ready to explain, You send me “Mr. Floyd”. A feel good story about a much loved retiring letter carrier from Georgia. Father, thank You.

Thank You that I am not alone in my conflict. Others are feeling the need for good news as well. Thank You Father. Thank You that Your Good News is available to us all.

Just as I was poised to list the quarrel going on in my head, You provided me hope. Thank You that as I look for an antonym of conflicted, I find three. Agreement. Peace. Harmony.

Holy, holy God, thank You. Right as I find myself hanging by a thread, Your Word brings me back from the edge.

I confess to You Blessed Lord, I continue playing around with the refusal to commit to change. There are relatively simple choices I could make. Yet I don’t. I am struggling with conflicting thoughts and information.

And right there I find myself excited because, “There is growth in the struggle!” Thank You Father. Thank You for reminding me.

Yes. There are changes I need to make. You know the ones that are absolutely necessary. Lead and guide, empower and enable me in making them.

I love You Father. I do. I long to serve You. Obediently.

Again I say to You, You never cease to amaze me. I confess. You lead. This morning to James 3:18 in the Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. It speaks of conforming to Your will in thought and deed. Listing agreement, peace and harmony.

Reading in The Life Recovery Bible I am drawn to the section titles. True Wisdom Comes from God (vs. 13-18) and Drawing Close to God (Chapter 4:1-10). A comment and devotional entitled Wisdom both remark on verses 3:13-18.

“Godly wisdom allows us to admit our failures and rebuild our life from the ashes of defeat. It frees us from our destructive dependency; …” Yes please Father! I seek Your will in releasing me from the warring thoughts in my mind. Continuing to find that elusive fine line between just enough and way too much.

It is Your will I seek. You know best.

“If our thoughts are still dominated by jealousy and selfishness, we need to ask God to replace our earthly wisdom with His Godly wisdom. We can trust Him to change our mind and our life.” This I humbly ask Dearest God. Replace my puny, inadequate judgment with Your all knowing, all encompassing wisdom.

I love You Father. I thank You. And I ask You. Do all You must in growing me through this latest struggle.

You are good. And worthy. Mighty. Holy. And I am grateful. Thank You Father. Use me as You alone know is best. Amen.
(496 words ~ 8:13 a.m.)

feeling sad

Friday, May 24, 2019 (6:29 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Thank You. Praise You.

“No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Taking this approach over to J.B. Phillips New Testament, I truly pray in one accord with Paul’s instruction. “Live together in peace, and our instruction to this end is to reprimand the unruly, encourage the timid, help the weak and be patient with all men” (13b-14).

Holy Father, we are not doing this. Looking around at the world today, we are not following Your teachings. Help us Father. Do all You know is best that we would truly become the people You would have us be.

“Be sure that no one repays a bad turn by a bad turn; good should be your objective always, among yourselves and in the world at large. Be happy in your faith at all times. Never stop praying. Be thankful, whatever the circumstances may be. If you follow this advice you will be working out the will of God expressed to you in Jesus Christ. Never damp the fire of the Spirit, and never despise what is spoken in the name of the Lord. By all means use your judgement, and hold on to whatever is really good, Steer clear of evil in any form” (15-22).

Oh that we would. Oh that we could. And here I remember to look at Paul’s example in his letter to the believers in Philippi. He shared his secret of living in every situation (Philippians 4:12).

A Serenity Prayer Devotional for Philippians 4:10-14 in The Life Recovery Bible ends with this encouraging paragraph, “The process of recovery is a time of learning to find serenity while also accepting life as it is. Life isn’t always fair. It isn’t predictable or controllable. It can be wonderfully rich in some ways and terribly difficult in others. When we become willing to face the hurt in our life and consider how we have reacted to it, then our discomfort can lead us to break the destructive cycle. Then we can learn to be content with the things we cannot change.”

This I pray to You most blessed God. I love You so much. Too often I allow the troubles of the day to crowd to the front of my thinking. Do all You must Father. In, with, by, through and for us that we would truly come to fully esteem and revere You.

We love You. We need You. We ask You. We thank You. Amen.

(438 words ~ 7:12 a.m.)

being with God

Thursday, May 23, 2019 (6:18 a.m.)
Good morning Lord,

My praise for You isn’t here yet. I’m still 'thinking' more than 'being'. Oh, look. There’s a smile. Yes Father. Thank You for the concept of being with You.

And with that, I am led to read and study in the Book of James. Thank You Father. Oh yes Dearest Father, how I thank You.

Keep speaking Your Truth into me I pray. My head is swimming with information I’m sure I have read before. Jesus’ brother’s teachings of warnings and promises.

Looking in the Mirror James 1:21-25”. “JAMES & JUDE”. “Wisdom 3:13-18”. “Single-Minded Devotion 4:7-10”.

Blessed, Holy Father God, I read. Stop. Agree. Confess. And read some more. All the while acknowledging, “I do this!” I don’t mean to. Often without even realizing. But I do, all the same.

Reading first in The Message. Chapter 4, verses 7-10. “So let God work His will in you. Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet yes to God and He’ll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees before the Master; it’s the only way you’ll get on your feet.”

Father God, I continue dabbling. I keep trying to find the compromise that enables me to have my own way.

The Voice refers to it as my mind being split down the middle, “your love for God on one side and selfish pursuits on the other.” Yes Father, I do exactly that. Loving You. All the while looking for the loophole that allows me to do whatever I want.

I need You to work Your will and Your way in me. I am asking for the strength of Your mighty power (Ephesians 6:10) to equip me in “stand[ing] firm against all strategies and tricks of the devil” (v. 11b).

I confess to playing with the idea that “just little bit won’t hurt me.” I can’t handle setting my own limits. I like to think I can. But I can’t. YOU can. I will let You. Steps One, Two and Three [of twelve] once again.

Do all You must Blessed Father. I am in way over my head. Again.

Thank You for loving us so very much that You sent Your Son to die on our behalf. I love You. I thank You. I ask You... do all You must! Amen.

(430 words ~ 7:45 a.m.)


Wednesday, May 22, 2019 (6:12 a.m.)
Holy, Holy God,

Good morning. Hi. I’m smiling as I wonder how best to come before You this morning. Playfully keeps coming to mind. ♪Do You want to build a snowman?♪

As far out there as this approach may seem, I read Psalm 114 in The Message and feel I am oddly in good company. The author here painted a fairly playful word picture.

Father, thank You. Yes. Thank You that I can be playful with You.

The Red “Sea took one look and ran the other way; River Jordan turned around and ran off” (v. 3). I find myself smiling even bigger as these parts of nature are personified.

As I continue reading, the mountains are depicted as rams. Turning playful and skipping. The hills? Frolicking like spring lambs. The rock became a pool of cool water. And flint; fresh spring water.

Have I never read this psalm before?
(2:03 p.m.)

Maybe not. But it sure put me in an “anything is possible” mindset. Thank You Father.

Thank You for letting me take just that little bit of a stretch, asking if You’d like to build a snowman, and freeing me up to new possibilities. Thinking outside the box. Being willing to try new to us foods. Explore different forms of entertainment.

Who knew? You of course! Thanks Dad.

The Life Recovery Bible comment for the above psalm says, “114:1-6 There is no end to the miracles God can perform on behalf of those who seek refuge in Him. To bring courage to His readers, the psalmist listed some of God’s amazing acts of deliverance in Israel’s history.”

It bowls me over Father that every single time I allow myself to approach You with wide-eyed, childlike wonder I am blessed in some completely unexpected way. Just like today. Pleasant surprises were plentiful. Thank You.

As I continue reading the comment mentioned above, again I smile. “As we face difficulties, we can recall events of God’s deliverance - in biblical history or in our own life. This will give us the hope we need to persevere in recovery; it will help us entrust our life into God’s hand without reservation. God is truly awesome, worthy of our respect, obedience, and praise.”

Thank You God that You are truly awesome! ♪Do You want to build a snowman?” Thank You that I get to ask!

I love You Father. And I thank You for the blessings of this day. Use me to Your fullest. Thank You. Amen.
(429 words ~ 3:06 a.m.)

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

honor and privilege

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 (6:55 a.m.)
Most Holy God and Father,

How I love You Lord. That You for this honor and privilege.
(8:14 a.m.)

Hmm. Yes Father. As I continue looking to and in Your Word, I am reminded of Your Truth. And promises. Healing. Grace.

Thank You Father. Yes. Thank You.

You provide for us in so many and unexpected ways. I love when I get to acknowledge You as the Manufacturer of the good things we experience.

As I prepare to leave on a new to me adventure I ask You to go before, behind, beside, beneath, above and within me. Completely encompassing me with every single aspect of Your being.

Father, I love You. I thank You again for the honor and privilege of being able to say that to You. Openly and freely.

Often I almost take it for granted. Almost. Never completely. Thank You for always reminding me that You are not One to be taken lightly. We are to fully esteem and revere You. You are Who holds sway [reigns, rules] over us. Thank You.

Reading the apostle Paul’s Instructions about Worship to Timothy (1st letter, 2nd chapter) I smile and settle in. Comments in The Life Recovery Bible encourage me.

2:1-2 Here Paul shows why prayer is essential for establishing a peaceful context for spiritual growth. Through prayer, both public and private, order and peace are promoted and strengthened. Prayer involves thanksgiving for God’s blessings and intercession for others. It is one of the assets we often overlook as we work our program.”

My smile grows larger with each reminder! Internally, as well as externally.

“We can easily become so focused on our own activities that we forget to turn to God for help. Prayer improves our conscious contact with God. Regular prayer also reminds us that we are helpless without God’s continual and powerful help.”

Amen. Amen. Amen!

Thank You Father. Thank You for the ways You get and hold our attention. I love You. I long to serve You. This morning I am asking and seeking Your presence that I would truly practice honoring and serving You. Well.

You deserve my best. Teach me what it means to give it to You. Thank You. I love You. Use me. As only You know is best. Amen.

(387 words ~ 8:43 a.m.)

Monday, May 20, 2019


Monday, May 20, 2019 (5:11 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Good morning. How contrived does that seem? I would much prefer natural. Easy. Genuine. I’ll be back…
(5:38 a.m.)
Still resisting. Haven’t given in yet.

And there it is...

Today is my last day of doing something I love. And I’m not ready for it to be over.

Yep. There it is. Honesty. And a smile.

Thank You Father. Thank You that I get to be this honest with You. Yes. You let me ramble and amble around until I remember.

Yes Father. How grateful I am that one word [contrived] led to a certain verse [Proverbs 21:30] which reminded me of what I went to sleep thinking. A colorful poster in the garage with a different verse referenced.

Oh! But look at this. It’s not the verse I thought. I was sure Philippians 4:13 was quoted at the bottom. In reality, it’s chapter 3. Verses 13 and 14.

Holy God, how I thank You for taking hold of my thoughts. They truly are all over the place.

First not completely onboard with being here. Then darting from one thought and verse to another. Father, thank You.

This IS the day that You have made and I WILL rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24). Yes Father! Thank You that with all this ambling around Your Word, Your Truth absolutely rings true in me.

Just the other day I became acutely aware of how many times I was saying, “I can’t stand it.” Thank You for Your perfect reminder that “I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need” (Philippians 4:13).

Yes! I can be tougher than I think. Because of You.

I don’t know what all will transpire this day. But I can rest and trust that You are in charge of it all. Thank You Father.

Thank You for the honor and the privilege of coming before You exactly as I am. Allowing You to change whatever is in me that You know needs to be changed.

I love You Father. I thank You. And I ask You to lead my thoughts, my words, my actions. Start to finish. Live in, with, by, through and for me this day. I love You. Thank You. Amen.
(393 words ~ 6:45 a.m.)

Sunday, May 19, 2019

"be helpful"

Sunday, May 19, 2019 (7:57 a.m.)
Oh Most Wonderful Savior,

There’s a song there. I just don’t know what it is. It has something to do with the color of eyes. And a uniquely descriptive word.

Anyway… I want to thank You Father. Yes! Thank You for the opportunity to be helpful.

Oh, and now… TEARS! So many free flowing tears!

And it all comes back to being helpful. A news story of one dad stepping in for another. Thank You God. Isn’t that how You raised us?

Hmm… yeah. You taught us to love one another (John 13:34). Treat others the way we want to be treated (Matthew 7:12). Oh praise You Jesus!

Yesterday we were blessed by an exceptional experience with higher learning. A graduation. Confirming of degrees. And a call to be of service.

Thank You Father for the genuine thrill of putting that call into action. The chance to be helpful. By doing another’s laundry. A true joy. Thank You God.

Thank You too for the privilege of being with friends and family yesterday as we wholeheartedly celebrated the success of a much loved one. Thank You for his appreciation of those who walked with him through all the hard work that got him there. What a shining example for his children.

How interesting that the verses I came across just now are descriptive of this very fine young man as well. Titus 1:5-9. The apostle Paul wrote “to encourage Titus [a young minister] to be faithful in applying the grace of God to various circumstance” (The Life Recovery Bible).

Grace being another one of the things this bonus son You have provided has been teaching us by his own example. Thank You Father.

And here come the tears again. Taken from New International Reader's Version, “[A Good Grip on the Message]… Appoint leaders in every town according to my instructions. As you select them, ask, ‘Is this man well-thought-of? Is he committed to his wife? Are his children believers? Do they respect him and stay out of trouble?’ It’s important that a church leader, responsible for the affairs in God’s house, be looked up to - not pushy, not short-tempered, not a drunk, not a bully, not money-hungry. He must welcome people, be helpful, wise, fair, have a good grip on himself, and have a good grip on the Message, knowing how to use the truth to either spur people on in knowledge or stop them in their tracks if they oppose it.”

Father how blessed are we to have such personal experience with a follower of Yours who checks so many of those boxes. Thank You Lord.

Here I ask that You would continue Your blessing and keeping of us. Smiling on and being gracious to us. Looking on us with Your favor and giving us Your peace (Numbers 6:24-26).

How we love You Father and ask these things in Your Son’s most Holy Name. Use us exactly as You know is best. Empowering and enabling us in being helpful. Thank You, Lord. We love You. Amen.
(514 words ~ 10:25 a.m.)

Saturday, May 18, 2019

breath in our lungs

Saturday, May 18, 2019 (6:32 a.m.)
Holy God,

I’m here to thank You. That is the plan. And here it comes…

Thank You Lord. For the slightest smile. Which reminds me that much earlier I was singing. Which causes the smile to broaden.

Yes Father. Thank You for the impetus with which praise for You gets started. Sometimes with just a thought.

Like now. ♪It’s Your breath in our lungs So we pour out our praise We pour out our praise… To You only♪ Yes Father. Sing praise.

It’s what David did. 2 Samuel 22:50. New International Reader’s Version, “LORD, I will praise you among the nations. I will sing Your praise.”

We have praise worthy plans for this day. I am asking Your blessing over them all.

How I truly do thank and praise You Lord!

♪You give life, You are love You bring light to the darkness You give hope, You restore Every heart that is broken Great are You, Lord It’s Your breath in our lungs So we pour out our praise… All the earth will shout Your praise Our hearts will cry These bones will sing Great are You, Lord… So we pour out our praise To You only♪

Yes Father. This is me singing Your praise. And asking Your blessing and keeping, smiling, grace, favor and peace (Numbers 6:24-26; NIRV).

Praise You. Thank You. I love You. Use me. Amen.
(239 words ~ 7:28 a.m.)

Friday, May 17, 2019

a smile

Friday, May 17, 2019 (6:42 a.m.)
Blessed God,

Thank You.
(7:13 a.m.)
Look! A smile. A genuine, unforced smile.

Thank You Father. Truly. Yes. Thank You.

I noticed I wasn’t smiling. Didn’t know why. Couldn’t manufacture one. Then suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a smile. Unexpected. Not attempted. Pure.

I was searching Your Word. Going from one section to another. Following key words. “Blur.” “Focus.” “Concentrate on.” Somewhere along the line, there it was. Thank You!

Now I am reading Psalm 34:5, Easy-to-Read Version. “If you look to Him [the LORD] for help, He will put a smile on your face. You will have no need to be ashamed.” Praise You Father.

Yes! The Message, “Look at Him; give Him your warmest smile. Never hide your feelings from Him.”

Hmm. Never hide my feelings from You. What would that really look like?

I like to think I’m honest with You. Not hiding my feelings from You. But am I really? Maybe. To some degree.

When I won’t force or fake a smile, I believe I’m being genuine with You. Real. Authentic. Truthful.

As I seek Your way and find a smile on my face, my heart feels lighter. Hopeful. Buoyant. Mm. Yes.

There’s a peacefulness. Cheerfulness.

New Living Translation, “Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.” Radiant with joy.

Yes Father. It is when we focus our thoughts and plans on You that we experience freedom from our fears. Thank You Lord.

Yes. Thank You. I remembered yesterday that I can write out all my plans. In pencil. All the while being aware that You hold the eraser. I am not in control. You are.

This being true frees me to once again hope and trust in You. And smile! Thank You God. Use me this day. Exactly as You know is best!

Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(329 words ~ 8:34 a.m.)

relinquish control

Thursday, May 16, 2019 (6:40 a.m.)
Most Dear and Holy God,

Thank You! Yes. Thank You so much.

Sleep happened. Fairly easily. And mostly uninterrupted.

There was a phrase that ran through my mind at each stirring. Something for which I was incredibly grateful. And planned to explore with You once I got out here.

It had to do with commitment I think. Something like “renewed commitment.” I’m no longer sure. I’m asking You to guide our time together here this morning.

I’m also thanking You for all the little lessons You have been teaching me lately. Things like the fact that I do not control the weather. Was that the word? Something to do with realizing that I am not in control of most things?

Interesting thoughts. While I can commit to a lot of things, I do not control the outcomes. Hmm… Again I ask You to guide my thinking Lord.

Another phrase that I am keenly aware of using these days is “a blur.” Time seems to be passing so quickly. While my mind still has me thinking of things much earlier in the year, here we are almost halfway through.

Thank You Father that YOU are in charge of all!

“Relinquished control!” THAT was it! In my own blurred awareness of how quickly time is passing, yesterday I was fully clued in to my need to relinquish control of all. To You.

Thank You Father. Thank You that I can ramble away with You. Oh and ramble is what I am still inclined to do.

Thank You Father! Here I am once again excited to be with You. Wanting to learn more. Know more. And then remembering, oh yeah, I’m relinquishing control. Thank You Father.

Praise You! There are so very many things that I am not in charge of. Like the weather for instance!

Oh, but You are. You are in control. In charge. Thank You Lord.

(11:21 a.m.)

And I’m back. Thank You Father. Thank You for time to chat. And listen. Time to share. And plan. Wonder. Laugh. Remember.

You are such a good, good Father. Yes! ♪You’re a good, good Father. It’s Who You are, It’s Who are… And I am loved by You. It’s who I am, it’s who I am…♪ Thank You Lord.

Thank You that so many times thinking leads me to singing. And singing to praising. And praising to thinking. This is a cycle that so often works for me. Praise You Father.

Ephesians 3:14-21

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

God's provisions

Wednesday, May 15, 2019 (6:15 a.m.)
Most Dear and Blessed God,

Thank You. Yes. Really, truly thank You.

You provide for us. Always.
(7:11 a.m.)

I search Your Word and I am reminded repeatedly of Your provisions. Thank You Father.

The other day I confessed to You my careless approach to healthy living. You immediately opened doors of clearer thinking. Opportunities to step back into Your guiding light. Thank You Lord.

This morning I am seeking Your will. Your way. Not mine.

I’ve already had the chance to sing to You. Read of You. Be reminded of the multitude of ways and things You provide. Father, thank You.

I am eternally grateful for Your provisions of grace. And hope. Truth. Love. Mm, yes. You provide all these and so much more.

Guide me in Your Word this morning that I would have a better understanding of how best to share all You have provided.

And here it is. Proverbs 6. Lessons for Daily Life. Father, thank You. I ask, You provide. Verse 6, “Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and be wise!” (The Living Bible).

Mm yes Father. Put my focus back on You. Looking to You for Your guidance. And Your provisions.

And now I’m reading of human weaknesses in 2 Corinthians 4, where the apostle Paul encouraged the church at Corinth to “Never Lose Heart; 4:13-18 ”. He knew first hand that deep within, “where none can see, God the Spirit is at work” (Illustrated Bible Handbook).

Thank You Father. Thank You Blessed God. Thank You for every single way You provide for each of our needs. 

I ask You Father to use Your provisions in, with, by, through and for me this day. That I will live it to the fullest. For Your glory and the good of others. I love Your Lord. I thank You. Amen.
(321 words ~ 8:30 a.m.)

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

welcomed by God

Tuesday, May 14, 2019 (7:49 a.m.)
Most Holy God,

Thank You that You are SO good! We get to be honest with You. Coming to You with every single one of our flaws and foibles.

Take right now for instance. I come before You knowing only some of my faults and weaknesses. Fully aware that I don’t measure up to Your standard. Thank You that still You welcome me.

Hmm… just thinking of being welcomed by You fills me with such hope. Thank You Father.

And even here, I am sent all over Your Word. First to Luke 18:9-14. Then, Romans 3:10-12. And back to Psalms. 14:1-3 and 53:1-3.

Father, thank You. It’s a comment in The Life Recovery Bible that has stirred my smile into me sitting up straight in full agreement.

53:1-6 Believing in God is essential in the recovery journey. Ignoring God’s plan for healthy living brings only trouble and suffering. We have become prisoners of our own desires, powerless to escape without God’s help.” I have a huge “AMEN!” to that experience.

Continuing, “Seeing the damage that rebellion has done should cause us to spend time in prayer. Our own powerlessness should serve as a constant reminder of our need for God’s powerful presence in our life.”

And there it is! Our powerlessness and Your powerful presence in our life.

Father God, I love You. I need You. And I thank You for Your standard. For Your presence. For Your welcoming of me and all my weaknesses.

Work in, with, by, through and for me this day Lord. Exactly as You know is best. To Your glory and the good of others.

Yes, Father. Your glory and the good of others. Do all You must. Praise You. Amen.
(301 words ~ 9:36 a.m.)


Monday, May 13, 2019 (6:26 a.m.)
Holy God, 

I am asking You to come and do a work in me. I’m confessing grumpy to You right now. Mm. Yes. What better thing to do with an ill will than to confess it to You?

Yes Father. Thank You that we get to bring all of ourselves to You. And in so doing, let You shine Your light on our dark areas.

Deep exhalation. Sitting up a little taller. Breathing in more deeply and admitting what I’ve known for awhile. I’m pretending again. Going through the motions. Acting as if I’m okay when I’m really not.

Blessed God, thank You that we can always come to You exactly as we are. No pretenses. Yes Father. Thank You that You love us. Faults and all.

I have fallen again into that cycle of not taking care of myself with the foods I eat. Choosing instead to ignore all the warning signs that develop with random, mindless, out of control eating.

Father, I love You. Thank You for the prompt to confess my careless attitude concerning my health.

Holy God, thank You that in following Your lead in confessing, I land at James 5:15-16. International Children’s Bible, “And the prayer that is said with faith will make the sick person well. The Lord will heal him. And if he has sinned, God will forgive him. Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other. Do this so that God can heal you. When a good man prays, great things happen.”

Yes Father! My soul is sick. My heart. My mind. My strength. It happens every single time I take this inattentive approach to my well-being.

The Life Recovery Bible has a comment for this section of Scripture. “5:13-15 Since God has the power to heal us spiritually, emotionally, and physically, prayer is one of the most powerful tools available to us in recovery. When we pray to God, we call upon that power and display our faith that He can help us.”

Oh yes Blessed God! Your Truth just keeps being affirmed in this comment. “Prayer is essential in the process of putting our broken life into God’s caring and capable hands. He is more than able to help us and guide us to blessings and peace. When our life seems out of control and we are in despair, we can begin the healing process by bringing our problems to God. He is listening, and He has the power to rebuild even the most shattered life.”

Yes! Father, YOU have the power! It is that power on which I rely.

Do all You know is necessary in making me willing to commit my choices with Your best for me. I love You Father. I long to serve You with my entirety. ALL of my heart, soul, mind and strength.

Yes Father. Do all You must. I love You. I thank You. I ask You. Amen.
(501 words ~ 7:58 a.m.)

Saturday, May 11, 2019

ready and willing

Saturday, May 11, 2019 (6:11 a.m.)
Holy God,
(6:41 a.m.)
Okay. I’m ready now. And willing.

Yes Father. Ready and willing to be thankful. Grateful. Filled with appreciation. Mm. Yes.

I didn’t want to come here saying empty “thank You”s just because I’m supposed to. I want to give You the praise and glory You so rightly deserve.

Thank You Father. Thank You that You are good.

Right here I stop to say, “WOW!” Wholly. Completely. “WOW!”

Yes Father. You continue to amaze me with the ways You get my attention.

A desire to learn more about glorifying You, I turned to 1 Corinthians 10:31. Wanting more understanding I read Freedom to be Used Constructively; 10:23-11:1. Illustrated Bible Handbook.

Quoting it here, I find myself in awe and wonder of Who and All You are. “Paul now returns to his basic theme. Freedom is to be used for the benefits of others (24).” You knew we would be in need of Your Truth. And You provided. Thank You Father.

Continuing, “In his summary, Pauls suggests that ‘rights’ are really irrelevant. God has called each of us to live for His glory. God gains no glory by our being right. He is glorified when we do not seek our own good but the good of others (31-33). In choosing the way of love we will be following the path in which Paul walked - and he tried only to follow close behind Jesus our Lord (11:1).”

Yes Father! Following this section over to a comment in The Life Recovery Bible I read more about Paul’s desire to balance our tendencies toward legalism with a genuine love for others. Thank You Lord that You were behind his teachings.

“The balance can be found by being willing to give up any of our rights that might cause others to fall while also not forcing our standards on anyone else.” He did not teach or preach codependency. No. He strove for healthy relationships. Interdependencies!

“Paul sought to please others for the specific purpose of leading them to salvation. If [when] our actions are governed by our love for others, we will be well on the way to developing strong relationships and overcoming the problems that drive our addiction or compulsion. God will also use us as powerful instruments to help other hurting people.”

What could be better than that? Being used by You to help others. Yes Father! Be glorified in my thoughts, my words and my actions this day.

Holy Blessed God, how I thank You. Truly!

Use me. Exactly as You know is best. For Your glory. And the good of others. Thank You Father. I love You. Amen.
(457 words ~ 7:25 a.m.)

Friday, May 10, 2019

the name of Jesus

Friday, May 10, 2019 (7:02 a.m.)
Most Blessed God,

Thank You.

I had another series of really scary dreams. All connected to an evil man. And similar to stories in the news everyday.

Father, how I thank You that they were only dreams. As terrifying as they were I was able to call out the name of Jesus. And rest, knowing that I was safe. Scared. But safe.

Hmm… yes. Jesus we are safe in You. Thank You!

♪… The Name of Jesus Christ my King… What a beautiful / wonderful / powerful name it is… You have no rival You have no equal… Yours is the name above all names… The Name of Jesus♪

Thank You Lord for all You have done to keep us safe. I look to You. Call out to You. Depend on You. Thank You.

As I considered my options ♪Trust in the Lord With all your heart And lean not on your understanding In all your ways acknowledge Him And He shall direct Your path♪ sprang to mind.

Proverbs 3:5-6. Yes! Trust in You. Not our own understanding. Yes Father.

It is so easy to get [and stay] focused on the news of the day. Thank You that we are called again and again to stay our minds on You. Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus.

♪… Death could not hold You The veil tore before You You silence the boast of sin and grave The heavens are roaring The praise of Your glory For You are raised to life again♪

Oh most dear and blessed Jesus, how I thank You for the Truth that is Your name! I get to read and sing of it!

♪You have no rival You have no equal Now and forever God You reign Yours is the kingdom Yours is the glory Yours is the Name above all names♪ Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

Quoting The Message,“Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for GOD’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He’s the One who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all. Run to GOD! Run from evil! Your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life! Honor GOD with everything you own; give Him the first and the best” (Proverbs 3:5-9).

Oh that I would! Trust You. Listen for Your voice. Run to You. Away from evil. Honor You will everything. Giving You the first and the best.

Teach me Lord. Just like in that horrifying dream. I ran to You. Away from evil. Thank You Father. Thank You Son. Thank You Holy Spirit.

I love You. I need You. I choose You. I want You. I thank You. Use me this day for Your glory and the good of others. Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(486 words ~ 10:04 a.m.)

Thursday, May 9, 2019

firm foundation

Thursday, May 9. 2019 (6:37 a.m.)
Good Morning Lord,

I just had a rather disturbing dream. Lots of details. Subtle specifics. A lingering after-effect. Thank You for the parts of it that were truly delightful. Contrasting all that made little to no sense.

Thank You for the reminder just now that it is not our job to make sense of insanity (situations and circumstances). The Preacher/Teacher [Solomon?] of Ecclesiastes tried.
(7:10 a.m.)

Mm, yes. Thank You Father for these writings. Thank You for the opportunity and privilege to read and learn more.

I confess to You most Holy God, the more I read the harder I search for understanding. There’s a deep sense of frustration coupled with the absolute freedom I experience as I once again accept there are just certain things I will never understand “under the sun.”

Thank You Father for Your Word. Your Truth. Your plans. Your promises. The firm foundation that we only have in You.
(11:02 a.m.)

Yes Father. Our firm foundation IS only in You. I read Your Word. I trust It. Depend on It. And then get lost in wanting to figure out why things are the way they are. Thank You God that that is not my job.

Just for today, this moment, I can turn to You in trust. Believing You at Your Word. At the very same time confessing that my thoughts are all over the place.

This is where I ask You to take charge of them. Of me. I love You Father. I long to do and think and say and be all that You know is best for me. You are God. And I am Yours.
(12:31 p.m.)

Do all You must in, with, by, through and for me Blessed God. Corralling my thoughts. And reminding me of the power of Your spoken Word (Proverbs 18:20-21)!

Oh yes most Blessed Father, do all You must for Your glory and the good of others. I love You. I need You. I want You. I choose You. Thank You. Amen.

(347 words ~ 12:42 p.m.)

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

"God's presence"

Wednesday, May 18, 2019 (6:52 a.m.)
Blessed God,

There are needs of Your presence Lord. Family. Friends. Loved ones. Yes. Father, we are all in such need of Your presence.

Blessed God, thank You that we have Your Word to turn to. Old Testament. New. Psalms. There is no end to the number of people who have come before You in need.

Thank You Lord. Thank You for the variety of verses that speak of Your presence. Thank You too for the Theology in Brief I just read in Illustrated Bible Handbook.

Entitled Faith and Feelings it teaches that “the psalms provide a unique perspective on our emotions.” It goes on to say, “While feelings have subjective reality, they are not our ultimate reality!”

Blessed, holy Father God, we need You so desperately. “Our feelings can and do change. Through relationship with God we can move from fear to trust, from alienation to comfort, from envy and jealousy to joy. Many of the psalms actually trace the process by which feelings are transformed and brought into harmony with reality.”

Oh most holy God, this is what I pray. That You would continue working in, with, by, through and for each of us that our feelings would be “transformed and brought into harmony with reality.”

Father, You are God of all. God of facts. And feelings. You created and love us. ‘We are free to share our feelings with You and express them without hesitation or fear.’ Thank You for this privilege.

“While feelings will surge, at times our feelings may not be appropriate. By consciously relating ourselves and our situation to God, we will change our perspective on the situation. As a result, our feelings as well may change to reflect a release and joy that are found through faith.”

Yes Blessed God! How I truly pray Your presence with each of us. Changing our feelings to reflect the joy we have in You.

Continuing to quote from this teaching on Faith and Feelings, I ask You to provide all that is necessary for us to grow in You. “Human frailty guarantees we will each be subject to the whole range of pleasant and unpleasant emotions…

“… we are never to judge the strength or validity of our faith by our feelings. Instead we are to let God shape our feelings as we relate to Him. We cannot change our own feelings simply by willing them to be different.” Thank You for Your Truth Father!

“… as we focus on who God is, and the meaning of our relationship with Him, God will graciously work in our emotional life as well as in our understanding, and shape us to His image.” Yes please Father! Work in us, shaping us to Your image.

Do all that You must in turning our hearts, souls, minds and strength to loving You (Mark 12:30) as You know is best. We are Your children and in absolute need of Your presence. Let us truly get to know and trust You as our God and Father.

I love You Lord. I need You. I want You. I choose You. I ask You. Do all You must. Thank You. Amen.
(535 words ~ 8:42 a.m.)

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

grace to accept

Tuesday, May 7, 2019 (7:12 a.m.)

(7:42 a.m.)
Blessed God,

How I thank You! Yes. Thank You.

I have been experiencing Your “grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed”. Yes. I sit. Consider. Wonder. Hope. Breathe. Rest. And am awed.

Yes Father. I am truly awed by You and the ways You work in our lives.

“Awe; a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear [read here as: full esteem and reverence] or wonder.”

I confess to You Father, I enjoy and appreciate this opportunity of trusting and believing Your Word. Your promises. Your Truth. There is such a gentle sense of calm. Untroubled peacefulness. Thank You God.

Oh Most Dear and Blessed God, how I truly rejoice as I sit here reading in and of the apostle Paul’s confrontation of Peter (Galatians 2:11-21; The Message). Learning again what it is to be justified by faith in Jesus Christ and declared righteous by God (Illustrated Bible Handbook).

Thank You Father that we do not have to work our heads off to please You (v. 19; The Message). Thank You that Paul taught that this approach did not work. It was ‘Christ’s life that showed him how and enabled him to quit being a “law man” so that he could be Your man.’

It’s the conclusion of this section that truly inspires me. “Is it not clear to you that to go back to that old rule-keeping, peer-pleasing religion would be an abandonment of everything personal and free in my relationship with God? I refuse to do that, to repudiate [disown] God’s grace. If a living relationship with God could come by rule-keeping, then Christ died unnecessarily” (v. 21).

And here, The Life Recovery Bible comment for 2:20-21 ends with, “Paul wanted to show the Jewish believers that they could gain nothing by trying harder. They had to give up control and allow God to heal them and empower them in battling sin. We must give up our old ways of looking for deliverance and accept God’s grace - the free gift of forgiveness and healing offered by Jesus Christ.”

Yes. Yes. Oh yes!

Father, I am asking You to use Your grace in me this day. There is much to attend to. Let me accomplish that which You know is best. Most worthwhile.

I love You Father. I thank You.

I need You. I want You. I choose You. I believe and trust and depend on You and Your grace.

Quoting the last line of Reinhold Niebuhr’s Original Serenity Prayer, “You will make all things right, If I surrender to Your will, So that I may be reasonably happy in this life, And supremely happy with You forever in the next. Amen.”

Yes, Father. Amen!
(394 words ~ 9:23 a.m.)

Monday, May 6, 2019

a little child shall lead

Monday, May 6, 2019 (6:38 a.m.)
Blessed, Father God,

How I thank You Lord! Thank You for gifts and blessings and memories and ultimately sleep. Yes Father. Sleep came hard last night. My mind wouldn’t shut off no matter how much I tried.

Thank You that instead of continuing to fight it, I was able to remember the significance of being awake late into the night. 36 years ago I had trouble sleeping. Followed by labor pains. And the birth of a baby girl.

Blessed God, how I thank You for that baby girl Lord. One of the little children who has led us through the years (Isaiah 11:6). Mm, and here come the tears!

Oh yes Blessed Father. Thank You for the opportunity and the privilege of parenting this precious child of Yours! Thank You for all she continues to teach us.

Not wanting to misrepresent Your Word, I dig deeper to the meaning behind the quote. Hunting and cherry picking my way through to better understanding I come across several New Testament verses that teach of the power of Your little children.

I sense my heart breaking open under the Truth I read. Children Lead Us in Humility. Children Lead Us In A Forgiving Spirit. A Child Leads In Sincerity. A Child Leads In Confiding Trust.

Thank You Father. Thank You for all You have done through the years in getting our focus back on You. Thank You for the gifts. And the blessings. The memories. And all that is yet to come.

Holy God, I ask You to bless this BabyGirl who has led us in so many ways through the years. Keep Her. Smile on her. Be gracious to her. Show her Your favor. And give her Your peace (Numbers 6:24-26).

We love You Lord. We need You. We choose You. We ask You. And we thank You. Oh how we thank You. Use me this day exactly as You know is best. Thank You Father. Amen.
(337 words ~ 8:02 a.m.)

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Open Door

Sunday, May 5, 2019 (7:02 a.m.)
Holy God,

Thank You. I woke up singing just now. Belting out, actually. Not a new to me song for sure. Also not one I’ve ever paid any attention to before yesterday.

♪Love is an open door! …With You! …♪ It is Father. Truly.

How I never caught this before yesterday I don’t know. I’m so glad to consider Your love for us in the randomness of another Disney lyric.

I requested prayer upon prayer yesterday as I took two boys on our very first solo adventure together. Thank You that it all culminated with three excited and very pleased participants. All because of Your love for each of us.

Father, we planned. Prepared. And most of all prayed. Inviting You along. Thank You for taking such good care of each of us.

And now, about that open door. That door that Jesus spoke of concerning the church of Laodicea. Revelation 3:20. “Look! Here I stand at the door and knock. If you hear me calling and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal as friends.”

We each have the opportunity to welcome You and Your love. Or refuse. Reject. Disregard the love that You offer us.

The Life Recovery Bible’s devotional entitled Love ends by telling us, “Jesus is waiting for us to open our heart and receive His love. He said, ‘Look! Here I stand…’ (Revelation 3:20). Love is waiting. We receive it when we open up to the love God offers us.”

Yep! ♪Love is an open door! …With You! …♪ Continue Your work in teaching me to use that love well. As You know is best.

Father, I love You. I thank You. And I ask You. Do all You must in using us to share Your love and Your open door policy with others. Thank You. I love You. Amen.
(317 words ~ 7:59 a.m.)

Saturday, May 4, 2019


Saturday, May 4, 2019 (6:33 a.m.)
Most Dear and Holy God,

Today I’m going on an adventure. And I’m inviting You to go before us. Behind, beside, beneath, above and within us. Completely encompassing us in every way imaginable.

Yes Father, an adventure. With children. I’m seeking Your protection Lord. Asking that we will each be kept safe in Your loving care.

Turning immediately to Your Word, I am drawn to Paul’s writings to the Corinthian believers. Here, in First Corinthians, Paul encouraged Christ’s followers to resolve their problems and honor God.

Yes. Dearest God. Today is set for adventure. I am asking Your presence in our solving of every single problem that may arise. Let us calmly and peacefully approach each issue that could come up and use Your Truth to loving resolve them all.

We love You Father. We need You. We choose You. We trust You. Depend on You. And I am asking You to come on along on this newest adventure.

Thank You God. I love You. Amen.
(173 words ~ 7:46 a.m.)

Friday, May 3, 2019

most blessed

Friday, May 3, 2019 (6:40 a.m.)
Most Blessed and Holy God,

Mm. “Most Blessed”. Father, truly You are!

As I sit here, reading and thinking, I realize… So are we! We are most blessed just to know You.

Jeremiah (17:7) said as much. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. “[Most] blessed is the man who believes in, trusts in, and relies on the Lord, and whose hope and confidence the Lord is.” I can’t thank You enough. Ever.

The more I read, the more hopeful and grateful I become. One verse leads to another. One section (vs. 8; 9-10) echoing others (Psalm 1:3; 139:1-4).

Mm. Yes. Most Blessed God!

Father, I ask You to use the “warm fuzzies” I am experiencing as I read Your Truth. Promises. Warnings. And hope.

Illustrated Bible Handbook says this concerning these “Psalms of Trust; 17:5-18. The wickedness of man’s incurable heart can only be healed by trust in God (5-10). This beautiful psalm concludes with an appeal by Jeremiah for vindication (14-18). He has not run from his heartbreaking and lonely task.”

I read. I smile. I trust. I believe. And yes, I hope.

The Life Recovery Bible for “JEREMIAH 17:1-14 We may have learned a long time ago that hoping only brings disappointment. Our hopes were dashed. The promises we believed were broken. We were left feeling like fools for ever hoping in the first place. But perhaps we were devastated because we put our hope in the wrong place.”

Because I truly do know You as Most Blessed, I get to believe Your promises. Father, thank You. Praise You.

Continuing in the above devotional, “Turning our life over to God means placing our hope and confidence in Him instead of people, who will disappoint us. When we place all our hope and trust in other people, it’s like expecting a tree to flourish in a barren desert. People will disappoint us and are unable to satisfy our deepest needs. Trusting God changes everything.”

It does! Trusting You truly changes everything. Thank You Father.

Concluding, “Jesus said, ‘The water I give… becomes a perpetual spring within them, giving them eternal life’ (John 4:14). When our hope is in God and our life is in His care, we are sustained when we otherwise would be devastated.”

Yes. Most blessed and holy God, use us this day as You know is best. Teaching us, empowering and emboldening us in sharing Your Truth and promises with others.

We love You Father. And we long to serve You exactly as You wish. Work in, with, by, through and for us. Thank You. We love You. Amen.

(450 words ~ 8:15 a.m.)

Thursday, May 2, 2019


Thursday, May 2, 2019 (5:39 a.m.)
Blessed God,

I made a mistake yesterday. More than one I’m sure. Playing different scenarios over and over in my head I quickly realized how much I don’t like the word “IF”.

If I’d done this instead of that. If I hadn’t made the decision I did. If I could do it again.


Thank You that through all the thoughts that ran around in my head, my need for You ran highest. I knew I needed a way to stop the meanness I was putting on myself.

Thank You that “Immanuel Forever” came straight to my mind. Immanuel. God-With-Us. Forever. Yes! Thank You Father. "IF"

I was actually thinking how destructive that word is to our peace of mind. If this, if that, if something else. Once I substituted You into the mix, I smiled. The tension left.

Immanuel Forever! Yes. You are with us forever. We do not have to be critical. Afraid. Upset. Alone. We can choose to turn and trust in You. Thank You Father.

Thank You even more for another Truth that goes along with these two letters. "I’m forgiven." Whatever the worse possible scenario, I’m forgiven!

I no longer need to hate this word. I no longer need to fear it. Yes. I will continue to make mistakes. Rarely intentionally. And every single time You will be with me and I will be forgiven.

And here I get to read Your Word. In Isaiah. Illustrated Bible Handbook. The Book of Immanuel (Chapters 7-12). Blessed, Holy God, how I thank You.

Coming to this section because of two verses (Isaiah 8:9-10). “But face the facts, all you oppressors, and then wring your hands. Listen, all of you, far and near. Prepare for the worst and wring your hands. Yes, prepare for the worst and wring your hands! Plan and plot all you want - nothing will come of it. All your talk is mere talk, empty words, Because when all is said and done, the last word is Immanuel - God-With-Us” (The Message).

How much do I resemble this description? Prepare, plan, plot and wring my ways. Ah! “Because when all is said and done, the last word is Immanuel - God-With-Us.” Oh, yes Blessed Father. Yes! Immanuel forever.

Here [The Book of Immanuel] I get to read again of Your promise. A Word of Hope; 7:1-9. A Call to Trust the Lord (Isaiah 8:11-22; The Life Recovery Bible). Titled A Boulder Blocking Your Way in The MessageYour Word rings out hope when we read deep enough to find it.

“GOD spoke strongly to me, grabbed me with both hands and warned me not to go along with this people. He said: ‘Don’t be like this people, always afraid somebody is plotting against them. Don’t fear what they fear. Don’t take on their worries. If you’re going to worry, worry about The Holy. Fear GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies. The Holy can be either a Hiding Place or a Boulder blocking your way,’” (vs. 11-14a).

We get to read of warnings. And promises. Hope. Your anger. Judgment. More hope. The just rule of the Messiah. And Songs of Praise for Salvation (Chapter 12). All because I thought I hated the word IF.

Father, I ask You to use me this day in spreading Your Truth. The hope we have only in You. The fact that You ARE with us. Immanuel Forever!

And when I do make those mistakes that are indeed inevitable, remind me as often as You must that because of Your love and sacrifice "I’m forgiven." Thank You Father.

Provide the blessings as You know is best. Empower and enable me in using them to Your glory and the good of others. I love You. Thank You. Amen.
(641 words ~ 7:26 a.m.)