Sunday, February 22, 2015

greatly to be praised

Sunday, February 22, 2015 (6:26 a.m.)
Holy, Mighty God,

How I ask You to lead our time together this morning. You've already led me to Old Testament history [temple building, prescribed worship, et cetera]. Let me find whatever it is You would have me seek.

Praise. Yes, teach me more about praising You as I ought.

Because of Your great love for each of us, I get to think and sing. Wonder. Wander. And be made even more aware of Your presence.

You heard my early morning grumbles. The plans to come here and share them all. Thank You for intercepting [obstructing (someone or something) so as to prevent them from continuing to a destination] my thought pattern.

Thank You that right there in the middle of this grouse and that complaint were the very faintest strains of praise from our children's childhoods.

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! He lives within the praises of His people. He loves to hear them call upon His name. So set your mind on Him, and let your praise begin, and the glory of the Lord will fill this place

And it did! Long before I even remembered the title [(Don't You Know) It's Time to Praise the Lord] my heart and mind had both changed. I no longer wanted to grumble and fuss. Instead I longed to praise and thank.

I confess to my thoughts being all over the place right now. Reading in Your Word. Tracking. Searching. Wondering.

It's a catchy little ditty and I keep looking for the perfect Bible verse to back it up. 1 Kings 8:10-16 and Psalm 22:3 are listed, but I'm not willing to stop there. The further I search, the closer I get to finding something deeper, the more my head is hurting.

I need to keep this simple. You love us. You want us to glorify and enjoy You forever. I get to start by singing Your praises. I don't have to understand. I just need to praise You. Trust You. Thank You. Love You. Glorify and enjoy You.

Yes! Let me start now. Psalm 145:3, “Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable.”

You are God. I am not. I need Your will and Your way in my life. Thank You for continuing to draw me to Your Truth and love. I love You. I praise You. Guide me. Lead me. Thank You. Amen.
(400 words ~ 8:41 a.m.)

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