Thursday, February 27, 2014

outward appearances

Thursday, February 27, 2014 (6:10 a.m.)
Hey Dad,

So I'm not at all sure just how comfortable I'm supposed to get with thinking of You as more my Dad than my Heavenly Father. It's a stretch. It takes work. But still I'm trying. Guide and direct me as You desire.

This morning I'm here to thank You for the gifts You have given us. Gifts of rest. A semblance of order. And right here my focus changes. Is this from You?

Thank You that I get to ask. Wonder. Doubt. Fear. Change my mind. Read. Refocus. Breathe deeply. Relax. Recharge.

All these years I've thought the word 'semblance' to mean 'a little bit'. 'A start'. That's what we've got going on here. Looking for that in Your Word, I found nothing. Changing my search to what the word actually means [appearance, facade, pretense] I came across one verse. In all the translations I checked, the same one verse.

How interesting that it is a verse I thought about yesterday after reading of David's victory over Goliath. In the chapter before Goliath is mentioned and defeated, Samuel anoints David to be king. It's the story of Samuel finding David that interests me most.

You told Samuel to “go to Bethlehem and find a man named Jesse” (1Samuel 16:1). He questioned you. He didn't want King Saul to kill him. You had the answer for him. “Take a heifer with you and say that you have come to make a sacrifice to the Lord. Then call Jesse to the sacrifice and I will tell you which of his sons to anoint” (vs. 2-3).

“So Samuel did as the Lord had told him to,” (v. 4a). I want to be obedient like that! Even the elders of the city knew something was up. For they “came trembling to meet him” and asked, “What is wrong? Why have you come?” (4b).

After assuring them, “All is well” (5a). “He performed the purification rite on Jesse and his sons” (5b) Then he rushed to his own judgment. In verse six, “Samuel took one look at Eliab and thought, 'Surely this is the man the Lord has chosen!'”

It's verse seven that reminds me that we aren't to judge by a man's face or height. “I don't make decisions the way you do! Men judge by outward appearance, but I look at a man's thoughts and intentions.” Daddy God, I am so very grateful that You know my heart. Thank You for accepting me so much more than I have yet to accept myself.

And herein lies the beauty of this section! A Life Recovery Bible comment for verse one tells how Samuel was “paralyzed by despair over Saul's failure”. I resemble that statement! But You intervened. You knew what was best and You didn't hesitate to make it happen.

I like the next few sentences. “It has been said that when the past is quarreling with the present there can be no future. We all need to quit living in the past after we have learned its lessons. There is a time for all of us to proceed to new assignments and goals. Recovery involves letting go of what was in the past so we can take hold of what is in the present and begin building a new life for the future.”

To this I must add my own, “Amen. Amen!” Blessed Dad. Perfect One. Keep guiding and directing me. Empower and embolden me in every endeavor You would have me attempt this day. I love You. I long to serve You. And I want to do it well. Thank You for loving us and not judging us on our outward appearances. Thank You. I love You. Amen.

(621 words ~ 7:08 a.m.)

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