Thursday, April 19, 2012

And still You love me!

Thursday, April 19, 2012 (7:56 a.m.)

Amazing, Wonderful, Awesome God,

Thank You. Thank You that I can choose to mope and drag around listlessly and You still love me. You know my heart. No matter how many smiles I attempt to put on my face, You know exactly what’s behind them all. And still You love me.

Thank You Father God. And still You love me! I followed the word listless [spiritless, lifeless] to Hosea 4:1-3 in The Message. And here I find even more confirmation of the continual love You have for Your wayward people. Thank You.

(9:46 a.m.)

How it is that You are so forgiving and steadfast I can’t even begin to wrap my head around. You just are! And I am grateful to be blessed by Your grace. Thank You God that truly every single feeling, emotion, fear… that we may come up against Your Word addresses.

I confess to You right here and now the biggest fear with which I am dealing is “What’s next?” The bulk of my life seems to have been spent putting out the brush fires of my own and other peoples making. As each circumstance has seemingly grown exponentially to the next, I admit to truly being afraid to think about what else lies up ahead.

You tell us not to fear. Your Word reminds us again and again not to. Yet still I get lost in the trap of “What if…?” And even still, You love me! Thank You Blessed Father. Thank You Holy God.

Intellectually I know You are good. Wholeheartedly I know You are to be trusted. There is fear in my soul that I am asking You to pluck out and replace with absolute faith. Truly I want to be one of those people that no matter the circumstance stands firm knowing and believing full well that with You all is as it is supposed to be. I keep asking You for different. Better. My wayward fearful self refuses to accept things exactly as they are. Work in me Most Blessed One.

I read Hosea and I hope. I believe You are good. I trust that You love me. Prepare my whole heart, soul, mind and strength that I will be better able to “Plant the good seeds of righteousness” (Hosea 10:12a) thus enabling me to accept Your promise, “and you will reap a crop of love; plow the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that He may come and shower salvation upon you.”

My mindset is still so geared toward faultfinding. Please Beloved Father, continue Your work in helping me see my own worth through Your generous eyes of love.

Thank You for this precious time together. Work in and through me this day to go out and accomplish whatever it is that You would have me do. I love You so very much. And I am truly glad and grateful that still You love me! Thank you. Amen.

(503 words ~ 10:34 a.m.)

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