Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Tuesday, May 29, 2012 (5:45 a.m.)
Blessed God,
Sixty-four years ago, a very young man (19) and an even younger woman (18) drove several hours and over two hundred miles with his brother and her best friend to join their lives in marriage. It wasn’t a perfect relationship, but as a daughter of the union I’m glad for the many things they taught us through their 45 years together.
Father God, Your Word has much to say about the subject of marriage. Talk to me about what You would have me take away from here today.
I’m smiling as I ask, “Really God?” Here You have me reading again in Hosea. Truly a less than perfect relationship. One that You used to teach many things. How good are You!
Reading the “Reflections On Hosea” at the back of the book, the insights are about Your compassion and the importance of having a relationship with You. May I say a deep and profound, “Amen!”
The PURPOSE under THE BOTTOM LINE says, “To reveal God’s unending love for His sinful people and God’s desire to restore their relationship with Him.” The KEY VERSE: “Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will reap a crop of my love; plow the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that He may come and shower salvation upon you” (10:12).”
Under RECOVERY THEMES are The Power of Committed Love, Tough Love Leads to Recovery, God is Merciful and Never “Too Far Gone” for God. These are such important truths to explore. There are examples of punishment and restoration. Your faithfulness. Our choices. Commitment. Persistence. Reconciliation. Discipline. Doom. Love. Forgiveness. Grace. And blessing to follow.
As I read a description of chapter 13, verses 4-16 stating that Your people “rebelled against the only One who can redeem” a song from the other day jumped to the forefront of all other thoughts. Leave it to me to again associate You and Your Word to a Broadway show. This time? Starlight Express.
I looked at the words earlier last week. Doing a Wikipedia search of them just now has me stretching them straight into fitting Hosea and Gomer’s tentative relationship. The young steam locomotive, Rusty, truly loved the observation car Pearl. She on the other hand was ‘a silly girl whose head is turned by each attractive male that passes her.’
Reading more I discover “Rusty’s journey through the story of Starlight Express shows him, in his darkest hour, calling to the Starlight Express for help. The Starlight Express answers telling him ‘Only you have the power within you…’. Rusty gains belief in himself, and goes on to race in the final.”
I told You it’s a stretch. But there’s so much more here than originally met my eye. As I was singing this very song to YOU just days ago I stood firm in the truth that Only YOU have the power to move me As I read more of Your Word and this story I can sing it even more certainly.
There was I wondering why Every day’s a peer into the distance Now with You the LIGHT is shining through You gave my life not just existence Only YOU have the power to move me… If only You use the power to move me Take me hold me mold me Change me and improve me We can make it happen You and I
Marriage is hard. Relationships take work. But You alone art God, and YOU have the power to move us where we never thought we’d want to go. Use Your power in each of us Dearest Father. Make us exactly who You want us to be.
Thank You for the love of that 19 year old boy for that 18 year old girl. Thank You for the love, flawed as it may have been, that has resulted in three generations of us wanting to get to know and experience the love only YOU have for each of us. Thank You Father. I truly love You. Amen.
(679 words ~ 8:09 a.m.)

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