Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Awesome God

Tuesday, October 6, 2009 (6:09 a.m.)

Awesome God,

Who reigns from Heaven above, with wisdom, power and love - You, God, are an awesome God!

Oh most dear and holy, awesome God, You have already moved me to tears this morning and I haven’t even been awake for an hour yet. Thank You!

Thank You that in thinking of You as an awesome God I turned to Deuteronomy 7 where I read in my Life Recovery Bible that You did not treat the Israelites in a special way because they deserved it. No! You did it because You had promised Abraham Your loving care to his descendants.

Oh most holy God, thank You that You are a God of Your Word! A commentary for verses seven and eight lists You as gracious and loving, wanting “us all to be free from bondage, whether we are ‘good enough’ or not.”

Thank You Lord! Thank You that I as got to verse 21 and read that Your people were told, “No, do not be afraid of those nations (of Canaan – Your Promised Land) for the Lord your God is among you, and He is a great and awesome God.”

As I settle in to smile about Your tender care of Your people, I read on. Moses continued speaking and in verse 22 told Your precious people of Israel that You would cast out the seven existing nations a little at a time “not all at once, for if He did, the wild animals would multiple too quickly and become dangerous.”

Reading the commentary here, I am heartened. You knew (of course You did!) that positive rebuilding, a little at a time, had to immediately follow the ousting of anything negative. Quoting the rest of the comment here for future reference lest I again become afraid (which, sadly, I often still do) and forget. God “would give His people new territory only when they were ready to move in and take advantage of the conquest. We need to recognize that recovery (rebuilding) also is a long-term process. We should not expect immediate perfection; instead, we should look for steady progress. God gives us victories as we are ready to take advantage of them and build on them. We need to trust Him to move us forward according to His timing.”

Oh amen and amen Dear God! Reading even further down the page, I am reminded that we “must be careful to give God the glory” as we “take advantage of the difficult times, using them as stepping-stones toward progress.”

Much earlier in my time here with You this morning, the thought that You are “mighty to save” came to my mind and I am very grateful that the song that quickly came to my heart and mind was easily found. My Savior, He can move the mountains, My God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save. Forever, Author of salvation He rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave.

That’s what I started off singing, but just now I found yet another glimpse of Your glorious grace! So take me as You find me, All my fears and failures, Fill my life again. I give my life to follow Everything I believe in, Now I surrender… My Savior, You can move the mountains, You are mighty to save… Yes You conquered the grave!

Thank You Blessed Lord that You are indeed such an awesome God! I love You so very much. Amen.

(583 words ~ 7:21 a.m.)

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