Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day weekend

Monday, June 18, 2012 (7:48 a.m.)
Most Holy God,
Thank You! You blessed us BIG this Father’s Day weekend. An unexpected illness resulted in a planned overnight guest spending two nights instead of one. “Baby proofing” didn’t happen quite as planned, but the carpets got vacuumed and the kitchen floor mopped nonetheless. Thank You Father.
Thank You for the opportunity to pitch in and help where it was truly needed. A young couple got some much needed rest and our household was again blessed with the explorations of a not yet toddler. What a perfect way to spend Father’s Day!
Thank You for the communication skills You are continuing to put in place around here. Thank You that a misunderstanding, which normally would have resulted in days of grunted silence, was resolved by the end of the first car ride.
Thank You for unexpected blessings. Yesterday while preparing to celebrate the dads in our family another mishap occurred. A vital piece of equipment could not be found. Blame was actually doled out - by me. In the midst of seeking and not finding, resolution happened quite unexpectedly. I am still amazed by the matter-of-fact decision to do things differently than planned and go on with our day. You are behind ALL of this change in us Dearest Father.
(8:34 a.m.)
As I sit here, taking in more of the story of Judah and Tamar (Genesis 38) than I have in the past again I say, “Thank You God”. Searching the word ‘unexpected’ took me to several different verses this morning. It’s this particular story that reminds that all that goes on in the lives of our families is not new to You. [“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9) J]
Father God, I am immensely grateful for the work You are doing in us. Reordering our responses, changing old patterns, teaching us to simply let go of things not in our best interest… All this is from You. None of it brought about by any degree of our determination to simply try harder.
YOU are at work in this family! At the end of this highly unexpected Father’s Day weekend it seems perfectly appropriate to say, “THANKS for being such a great Dad!” Thank You God. Thank You Father. Thank You “Daddy”. We love You. Amen.
(402 words ~ 8:46 a.m.)

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