Thursday, May 2, 2024

Spot on!

 Thursday, May 2, 2024 (5:39 a.m.)

Blessed, Awesome, Holy God,

Thank You for who You are and all You do. 

There’s another song dogging me. A few uncertain words. And a brief line of melody. Help me please Dear Lord.

I don’t know if it’s from You. If it is I’d like to know more. If not, I want to be released from the quest.

You, Dear Lord, are where I want my focus. You know all that is going on in and around each of us. You know Your plans. Your best. Your will. Your way. 

Thank You Father. I asked. You answered. Through my beloved husband. Using just my few tentative words and notes, he nailed it. Spot on!

Thank You Lord for the multitude of things that we have, that we know, that are spot on with You. Thank You for taking me through this search to Hebrews 9 and 10. The blood of Christ. His perfect sacrifice and call to persevere.

Dearest God, I love the ways You draw our attention to thoughts of You. Your power. Your Word of Truth, hope and promises.

A comment in The Life Recovery Bible for Hebrews 9:27-28 reminds us that “Hope for the future must be based on facing the reality of the past present…We can face any sin, any character defect, any hurt, knowing that Christ’s sacrifice is sufficient to offer cleansing and new life.”

Thank You God that we get to place our hope firmly in You. Reaching out and asking for help from others. Even with something as simple as an undermined set of lyrics. 

♪I guess You wonder where I’ve been I searched to find a love within I came back to let You know Got a thing for You and I can’t let go… Some people go around the world for love But they may never find what they dream of What You Won’t Do, to do for Love

Yes Dearest Father. I absolutely have a thing for You. And I can’t let go! You ARE my world! And I love, need, trust and want to remain/abide/dwell/live in You (John 15:4).

Use me exactly as YOU know is “spot on!” Thank You. Praise You. Amen.

(379 words ~ 7:20 a.m.)


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