Saturday, May 18, 2024

concerning love

 Tuesday, May 14, 2024 ($4:32 a.m.)

Absolute Loving Lord,

Thank You that You ARE! Absolute. Loving. Lord.

I maintain You to be good. Great. Gracious. Glorious (Psalm 145:5-8).

Thank You for waking me with songs of strength and courage. One by Kenny Loggins that I was sure I’d have no trouble remembering. That is completely not the current case.

Thank You for the privilege of sitting with You. Asking (Matthew 7:7) Your blessings on loved ones. As well as strangers.

Father, thank You for those who make kindness a habit. A smile. A hug. Carefully chosen encouraging words. Thank You that it is Your love that is behind it all.

Thank You that it is because of Your love that we have the opportunity to love You, others and ourselves. With all of our hearts, souls, minds and strength (Mark 12:30-31). As You alone dictated love to be (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).

Thank You for the choices You provide us. Grudge holding? Or forgiveness. Your true love? Or indifference? Continue Your work in teaching us the very fine art concerning love.

♪You are for us me, not against us me I am Who You Say I Am I am chosen, not forsaken… I’m a child of God, yes, I am♪

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