Saturday, May 18, 2024

Fill Me

 Mother’s Day Sunday, May 12, 2024 (6:09 a.m.)

630 driveway

Thank You God. Praise You Father. Fill me Jesus with Your Holy Spirit. Yes! Fill me with Your love. And Your power. Your hope. Faith. Trust. Belief.

I love You. I trust You. I need You. I want You.

I have NO idea what today holds. I absolutely trust You to be holding it. And all of us.

YOUR plans, Father. The ones that are for good and not for evil. Giving us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).

I am asking, seeking, knocking (Matthew 7:7) Your presence here with me this day. The one You have made (Psalm 118:24a). That I would TRULY rejoice and be glad in it (v. 24b).

You know Your best for each of us. I want to sing, smile, stand firmly and stay my mind on Your Truth and promises.

I love You. Thank You. Amen.

(158 words  6:20 a.m.)

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