Saturday, May 18, 2024

grounded and surrounded

 Saturday, May 11, 2024 (5:18 a.m.)

Holy God,

I’m saying “Thank You” out of habit. Not so much sincerity. I’m going to ramble with You here. Just to see if anything useful comes out.

I’m not seeing the joy here this morning Lord. I went to sleep with some. I’m looking to You to keep me grounded. Focused. Led.

(5:44 a.m.)

Would You just look at that Father? I bring myself before You, exactly as I am and You allow me just a little more rest. And a smile! Thank You Father.

Ginger root having been supplied by my very dear husband just last week might be the very answer to my queasy stomach. That idea sprang up from just those few moments of resting. In You.

(6:15 a.m.)

Tea in hand, let’s continue. Thank You God. Yes. Truly. Thank You God!

Your Word. Of Truth and promises. Right here at my fingertips.

Thank You for the ways You provide encouragements to us. Other people willing to share their experiences. Strengths. And hopes. Honestly. Openly. Willingly.

Borrowing a prayer from Romanita Hairston. She encourages receiving life challenges [my phrase] “with joy as the gift of a Father who loves you.” Yes please, Father. Continue Your work in preparing me for the next thing.

“Pray: Lord, though difficult, I surrender to You. I trust in Your guidance. Give me the wisdom to discern and lean into the right things. Empower me to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and to avoid that which would distract me from being built up in You. By YOUR grace!

Yes, Lord. Thank You for the opportunity of being grounded in You. And surrounded by people who care!

Searching to learn more about resting in You, I find five steps. Thank You Father. I am truly grateful for ALL the resources You are supplying for our needs.

Step One: Call to Him During Sleepless Nights (Psalm 4)

Step Two: Trust God With Your Future (Psalm 16:1-2; 7-11)

Step Three: Allow Him To Lead You (Psalm 23)

Step Four: Give All Your Worries to Him (Psalm 127)

Step Five: Quiet Your Soul Before God (Psalm 131)

You’ve got us. I keep saying it because I believe You do. Keep grounding and surrounding us Dear Lord. With Your goodness. Your grace. Your love. Your perfection.

We love You. We need You. We trust You. And we want You. Use us as You know is best. Thank You. Praise You. Amen.

(420 words ~ 6:46 a.m.)

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