Sunday, May 5, 2024


 Sunday, May 5, 2024 (1:09 p.m.)


It’s as though I actually heard You say the word to me Dear Lord. Mowing the lawn and stringing thought after thought together. Fear. Hope. Dread. Beauty. Then suddenly, “Enough!”

What we’ve done up until now is enough. All we are in You is enough. The sky is absolutely blue enough…

Bringing my thoughts to Your Word, I’m drawn to 2 Corinthians 12:8-9. International Children’s Bible. Celebrating You Dear Lord, I am standing firmly on the apostle Paul’s words.

“I begged the Lord three times to take this problem away from me. But the Lord said to me, ‘My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, then my power is made perfect in you.’ So I am happy to brag about weaknesses. Then Christ’s power can live in me.”

We are definitely weak here Lord. I look forward to Your power being made perfect in us. Because Your grace is enough!

♪I’m gonna sing in the middle of the storm Louder and louder You’ll hear my praises roar Up from the ashes hope will arise Death is defeated, the King is alive I Raise a Hallelujah With everything inside of me…I will watch the darkness flee… In the middle of the mystery… Fear you lost your hold on me♪

Taught in church this morning. Mark 4:39. Jesus in the boat, rebuking the wind and saying to the sea, “Peace! Be still!”

And will You look at this? The Voice. “He [Jesus] got up, shouted words into the wind, and commanded the waves. Jesus: That’s enough! Be still! And immediately the wind died down to nothing, the waves stopped.”

Continue Your work in us Dear Lord. You and Your grace truly are enough! Thank You. Praise You. Amen.

(300 words ~ 1:43 p.m.)

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