Friday, November 11, 2011

good courage

Friday, November 11, 2011 (7:20 a.m.)

Sweetest Jesus,

The more I practice saying Your name, the easier and more readily it comes. Thank You Jesus. Thank You that ALL my strength and hope and faith and love reside in You! Thank You that in every single moment, every development, I get to choose. I can choose to fear and be afraid. Or I can choose faith. Courage. Hope.

(8:06 a.m.)

I’ve been reading just now in the book of Joel. Beginning at 2:20-22. Lord Jesus, how I thank You for all You are. All You have done. And all You are going to do. My tendency is to become focused on the problems that surround us. Thank You for teaching me to look past the obvious, the urgent, the immediate… to You. Our Hope. Our Savior. Our Redeemer.

In You we are covered. With grace. Mercy. Forgiveness. Perfect love. I don’t ever have to be afraid again. I can. You’ll let me. But I don’t have to. I can choose to “be of good courage” (Psalm 27:14). I can ‘come to You’ when I am weak ‘and heavy laden, and You will give me rest’ (Matthew 12:28-30).

Too often Blessed Jesus, I try to depend on myself. I think. I struggle. I work to figure things out. It’s when I drop all efforts at the foot of Your blessed cross and come to You just exactly as I am that I find Your peace. Thank You Lord Jesus.

Thank You that You call me. And You comfort me. I’ve jumped all around in Your Word this morning. Reading snippets of hope. Truth. Promises that You made. Promises that I have every reason to believe You will keep. You are good Dearest Jesus. A True Man of Your Word! All of my cares, hope, fear, wants and desires can be bundled up and cast on You (1 Peter 5:7). Whether they deal with friends, family, someone I see in passing, or even myself, You have taught and continue teaching me the peace and joy that is mine in You. Thank You Jesus. Thank You for calling me to be of good courage. I cannot possibly do it of my own accord. But “I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power” (Philippians 4:13).

And all this comes from the power and majesty of Your glorious name. Thank You Lord Jesus. I love You. Amen.

(414 words ~ 9:05 a.m.)

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